Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope For The Week Of September 16th To 22nd, 2024


Aries, the energy of love for you this week is pushing you to find the truth at the heart of your connection with the one you love. Is it just physical attraction gone crazy? Is it a karmic connection from a past life that is coming back to haunt you? Or is it something that brings out the best in you and vice versa and reveals forests of green flags every day? You can write down your feelings in a journal to gain more clarity. This is also a great time to purge any old wounds or baggage that is holding you back from experiencing true love. You can do this on your own through books and resources or with the help of a therapist, but the result will only bring light into the darkness for you.


Taurus, it’s time for you to immerse yourself in the chaotic and wondrous energy of the world and find love (or deepen it) through engaging experiences. That’s the message you’ve been receiving this week. Every time you step outside your comfort zone, you’re getting closer to the ideal you’re seeking. After all, even a mighty tree rooted in one place never stops growing branches or roots. You’re also advised to balance the chaotic immersion with restful activities and self-care. This will ground you within yourself and keep you from becoming complacent in love. Your creative side will also benefit from this back-and-forth energy!


Gemini, the energy of love this week for you has a stern quality. It reminds you that love will never try to manipulate you into doing something detrimental to your well-being. Nor will it rely on stereotypes to take advantage of you. This is not love; it is a hidden agenda. So trust your instincts and they will guide you in the right direction. As long as you set healthy boundaries and continue to practice saying no when you feel something is wrong, you will avoid the bad things and discover the hidden treasures that can bring you into love with honesty.


Cancer, the energy of love is pushing you this week to let go of any toxic beliefs that are holding you back from finding true love. Whether it’s a deeply held belief that you’re not good enough or that you need to prove your “worthiness” before you can be loved, you need to move away from these spaces, even within yourself. The hard work in this area will pay off. The flip side of the coin is also highlighted here. Don’t let terms like “high value” and “low value” dehumanize relationships or ruin interactions for you. True love doesn’t need to look down on random people and demographics to feel worthy. Instead, true love becomes a beacon of hope for others who want to experience true love as well.


Leo, this week the energy of love is split into two halves for you. One side will push you to find your individuality and maintain your independence even when you’re romantically involved with someone. The other side will push you to deepen your connection through companionship and closeness that can blur your personal space. Here, you need to find the right balance between the two. This natural tension will ground your relationship while fanning the flames of your attraction. If you feel called to do so, think of activities that you and your partner (or partners) can do together during the week.


Virgo, you are very pragmatic in love, just like any other earth sign. But the message for you this week is to be more aquatic and listen to your intuition. It may not make logical sense to you, but if you trust these nudges, you will eventually understand why you have been guided in a certain way toward or away from a person.

If you feel called to do so, keep a journal in which you write down these strange experiences and hunches. Over time, you will recognize the pattern or see the subtle red flags that you may have missed in the heat of the moment. After all, love can be an intoxicating experience and blur even the boundaries that may come naturally to us in other situations.


Libra, the energy of love for you this week is once again very much focused on the individual experience of love, which can often feel more like an Aries thing than a Libra thing. If you lean into it, though, you’ll know what’s really in your heart and won’t allow people-pleasing tendencies or indecisiveness to get the better of you.

If you feel called to do so, now is a great time to do a love manifestation ritual (whether you are single or not) that allows you to access these desires and intentions and helps you bring them to fruition. Use a red or white candle with your wish engraved on the body for this. Then, let the entire candle burn with intention.


Scorpio, love can sometimes be the most overwhelming experience, especially new love. You need to find a way to ground yourself, whether it’s through meditation, focused breathing, journaling your thoughts, or even yoga or gymnastics, in order to know what’s in tune with your heart and what’s not. That’s your message to love this week. If you feel the need, set better boundaries and ask for space. Self-care will lighten your soul and allow you to bring better energy and attention to the relationship once you feel ready.


Sagittarius, the energy of love is pushing you this week to create lasting memories while you’re out and about with your partner or significant other. So, let your creative side run wild! Then, watch the magic unfold. Whether you do this by planning a creative date, randomly deciding to take a long drive out of town, trying out a hobby your partner is passionate about (or vice versa), or simply taking Polaroid photos to hang in your room as you stroll through the park, make this week about forging a real connection and creating memories. You can also create a scrapbook of your experiences to look back on and smile together in the future.


Capricorn, the energy of love is pushing you out of your comfort zone this week. If you’re already in a relationship, this will help you break out of complacency or bring new fire to the dynamic. If you’re single, this will open your horizons and lead you to where you’ll find true love. If you feel called to do so, enlist the help of your friends on this journey as well. Sometimes allies are the best people to help you along the way, especially if you’re feeling anxious or shy around other people or in new situations.


Aquarius, if you’ve ever doubted an ex in the past only to realize that you were right about your gut feeling, it’s time to remember and trust those hunches more. Some of you have found your soulmate, but may be afraid to open up more for fear of getting hurt. Trust that inner knowing and you’ll land back on your feet and in the arms of a loved one. If you feel called to do so, this is also a great time to do more outdoor activities with your partner or significant other. This will strengthen your bond and maybe even inspire you creatively along the way!


Pisces, the world is your oyster this week when it comes to love. If you are single, this will manifest in the form of choices and options. So, exercise your free will, know your heart and mind, and go where true love can be forged. The cosmic currents and the energy of the eclipse favor you in this area. If you are in a relationship, this message invites you to take a trip with your partner, even if it is just an overnight excursion to a nearby campsite, to gaze at the stars and discuss life and love. Camaraderie and team spirit are in order here. Then, watch the magic happen!

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