Zodiac Signs

Love Tarot Spreads For Each Zodiac Sign From December 26th To January 1st

What to expect from a relationship with your loved one – quarrels or harmony? Who will be lucky to meet their soul mate? Tarot cards know the answer.

Tarot for Aries – Moderation

The card advises you to think more about your actions. To begin with, it won’t hurt to calm down. But you need to understand that you cannot do without provocations since conflicts with your loved one are quite possible this week. Nevertheless, it is your excessive emotionality that is the source of many problems. Don’t put pressure on your partner. Give him time so that he can meet your requirements. There is no need to complicate every unpleasant situation that arises. Another piece of advice from the card – now you are under the protection of higher powers. Whenever you are overtaken by emotional exhaustion, turn to them for help and you will be heard.

Tarot for Taurus – Knight of Wands

This week you are ready to plunge headlong into solving global problems of your personal life. Your energy is so much that you cannot remain idle. And you will achieve changes: thanks to your passion for love adventures, you will be able to return the extinguished light in your couple. But it’s time to look into the future: think not only about fleeting pleasures but also start thinking about far-reaching plans.

Tarot for Gemini – 9 of Pentacles

You have a busy week ahead! Now is the best time to go on a trip. This will benefit you – both if you are single and if you are in a couple. All problems are behind us. Your couple now has a strong foundation for a happy relationship. And dating (if you are single) will turn into a new long-term relationship for you. And everything seems to be fine, but you have doubts in your soul. Perhaps you just didn’t catch yourself thinking that the time for peace in your personal life has finally come. Card advice: accept what is given to you from above. But if you want to take active steps to get what you want, do everything only honestly and carefully.

Tarot for Cancer – 8 of Wands

It’s time for something new! Now is a very favorable moment to leave the past behind and boldly move toward the better. But you can’t act slowly, otherwise, you will miss your happiness. It is possible that a chance meeting this week will end in a whirlwind romance and not necessarily a short-term one. The week gives Cancers of any status a chance to receive a marriage proposal. If you are lonely because of your fear of entering into a relationship, this week is the time to get rid of them. The same goes for you if you still can’t find room for love in your busy schedule. This period has prepared “windows” in your schedule for a wonderful and bright feeling. Everything that happens this week will develop quickly and effectively. Wait for a message or news from your loved one. The map warns that information received from third parties may lead you astray. Don’t let outsiders influence the course of your destiny.

Tarot for Leo – Ace of Wands

You may think that a dark streak has come to life. Everything you have in mind in your personal life does not come true. Most likely, the steps you took earlier were either wrong or had low effectiveness. It’s not time for decisive action yet; you don’t have enough resources for that. You can also feel a loss of strength in relationships, as well as a lack of mutual understanding. The card advises in this situation to think not only about your mood but also about the emotional state of your partner. To correct this darkened situation, first, understand yourself and your desires.

Tarot for Virgo – Death

You can put a lot of effort and energy into influencing your personal life, but so far it will not bring good results. To survive this difficult period, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Breakups and separations may occur this week; you should mentally prepare for this. But by the end of the week, the situation may improve. If this does not happen, perceive the situation as getting rid of the old for something new and better. Avoid serious conversations with your partner, during this period they can serve as an excellent provocation to worsen the situation. This can be a very painful period, but we also need such life stages.

Tarot for Libra – 7 of Pentacles

You are moving in small but sure steps. There is development in my personal life, but it is very slow. To move faster, you may need to change the path. This week you may encounter a contradiction when you and your partner have different desires. But this does not limit your couple’s harmony and tranquility. If you want to take your personal life to another level, show patience, and persistence and change your usual course of action.

Tarot for Scorpio – Page of Wands

Do not refuse new acquaintances and offers; now is a favorable time for development in matters of the heart. Don’t be afraid of responsibility and show more attention to your partner. This will help you feel a new phase between you. Take decisive actions, and push your partner to take them. No one knows the consequences of your activity, but the fact that they will bring you unforgettable, vivid emotions is a reason not to be just an observer. The week is good for conceiving a child. If you are lonely, you may come across a person on your way who will simply “lose your head.” Don’t miss this moment, even if you have to sacrifice something.

Tarot for Sagittarius – 3 of Pentacles

This week will be a very slow one for you. The forces are wasted in vain, there is no plan of action, and fate increasingly throws up unpleasant situations. Disagreements with your partner are expected. You may be wasting time with the wrong person. Probably everything you planned this week will no longer come true, and the planned trip will be unsuccessful. The above can cause you to feel depressed, and quarrels are not excluded between couples. The good news is that the emotional background of your couple depends on you, but still, you will have to part with some illusions.

Tarot for Capricorn – Queen of Swords

Now is not the time for constructive dialogue. Stop controlling everything, you have lost control of yourself. You will have to come to terms with the fact that most of the pictures in your head are just illusions. Your behavior is destroying you. You know what you want, but you don’t know where to go, and this makes your strength and energy less and less. Become more honest with yourself and your partner, but don’t trust strangers who want to take part in your personal life. Your personal affairs are directly related to other areas of life – this aggravates the situation. First deal with external circumstances, only then proceed to serious decisions in matters of the heart.

Tarot for Aquarius – 3 of Wands

Before making an important decision, you should think very carefully: perhaps it is not yet time for serious action. This period is characterized by stagnation, when what is available is no longer interesting, and there is no enthusiasm to look into the future. Moreover, the week can be overshadowed by unpleasant conflicts and even betrayals. This can derail serious plans. The unpleasant situations that arise may be the consequences of your excessive self-confidence. But don’t despair, you still have a chance to restore your relationship. You may need the help of an outsider with this. His instructions and advice can greatly change your life.

Tarot for Pisces – 5 of Cups

Your personal life can finally turn upside down. This could be the result of good news or a pleasant acquaintance. This combination of circumstances will help you recover from prolonged depression or rethink important moments. If you are now in a quarrel with your partner, this period can reunite you. You may receive a gift. All difficulties fade into the background. This is facilitated either by a person from the past or by acquired experience from an outdated relationship. You have a great chance to restore everything or start all over again. > Nastya Chernysheva PR: Perhaps for this, it is worth coming to terms with some points because every situation has its advantages. The end of the week will bring special joy.

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