Zodiac Signs

Luckiest Day Of The Week For All Zodiac Signs July 29th – August 4th, 2024

Aries: July 31

The luckiest choice you can make for yourself right now, Aries, is to lean into your spiritual awakening. You’ve been feeling the signs of growth and awareness for some time now, but as Neptune in Pisces continues to align with Pluto in Aquarius on Wednesday, July 31, you’re presented with a pivotal moment. Take this energy and dive deep into your subconscious, digging out any wounds, dreams, or even conditioning that have determined much of your life up until this point. This awakening will enhance and change your life, from how you see yourself to who you choose to surround yourself with. Make sure everyone you choose to have in your life is a part of your growth and embrace the possibilities that can only be found within your soul.

Taurus: July 29

As one of the zodiac signs that rules wealth, it’s no surprise that you’re all about creating something of value, Taurus. This idea of ​​creating generational wealth also ends up healing a lot of the scarcity or even worthless mindset that’s been part of your soul contract this lifetime. As the Sun in Leo aligns with Mars in Gemini on Monday, July 29, pay attention to your financial choices. Instead of focusing solely on how to achieve financial abundance as quickly as possible, take a longer-term approach—and if property or real estate comes into play in any of your decisions, trust that this new choice or fresh start will be part of the generational wealth you want to manifest for yourself and those around you.

Gemini: August 4

When an opportunity presents itself and seems too good to be true, it’s not your job to question it, Gemini, but to seize it. You’ll receive a new offer or opportunity with the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4, and even if you’re not quite sure about it yet, try to see if it’s what you’ve always deserved. The only thing you need to be aware of is feeling overwhelmed by the number of choices available to you. Make sure you know what’s best for you. This new offer may put you in the spotlight in a more pronounced way or even lead you to take on a speaking or leadership role in your life. Know that this is what you’ve worked for and be willing to sign on that dotted line when the opportunity presents itself.

Cancer: August 4

Whether it’s because of a separation divorce or cancer, not only has your world been turned upside down over the past year, but your finances have changed dramatically as well. Thankfully, your financial life is getting a fresh start with the Leo New Moon rising on Sunday, August 4—but you need to be prepared to act quickly. Make sure you don’t spend too much time thinking about this decision, especially since the events of the past year have brought more doubt than certainty into your life. Things in your life are truly changing for the better, and this fresh start in your finances will help you further realize your dreams and begin the rebuilding process you’re currently in. Just be mindful of any sudden influx of money and make sure you’re investing for the long term rather than quick fixes.

Leo: August 4

When you love what you do, you radiate a different energy, Leo. That means the career, relationship, and even life you build are ones that you feel truly connected to and in love with. Instead of just missing out on opportune moments of pleasure and joy, take some time to sit down and think about what you would do differently if you were designing your life solely around what you love. Venus will return to Virgo on Sunday, August 4, reminding you that you don’t have to be miserable to feel abundant, lucky, or even happy in your life. Give yourself time to reflect and plan, and then permit yourself to step away from anything that feels draining so you can fully create a life you truly love.

Virgo: July 29

Listen to your inner wisdom, Virgo, for there is gold to be found in your dreams. Even if you are struggling to figure out how to make money from a particular idea, trust that the more you invest in that dream or idea, the more clarity you will receive. Even if it is difficult not to have a definitive plan for the future, trust that all is well. You will receive more divine guidance as the Sun in Leo aligns with Mars in Gemini on Monday, July 29, helping you see that the more you can follow your dreams, the more luck you will receive. There may also be some healing to be found in this process, as you will need to trust yourself and ensure that you do not let any other factors prevent you from accomplishing what you know in your heart is meant for you.

Libra: July 29

Anything is possible right now, Libra, but it’s time for you to start seeing it for yourself. You’re going to have a profound opportunity to venture into a new career path or even move, but you need to be in the mindset to realize that whatever is happening now is for your highest good. As the Sun in Leo aligns with Mars in Gemini on Monday, July 29, you’ll receive more information about a new opportunity for expansion in your life that will likely change not only where you work or live, but also the people around you. No matter what you feel you need to leave behind, try to focus instead on fulfilling your destiny in this life. You need to commit to choosing yourself so that you can receive the good fortune you’re hoping for.

Scorpio: August 4

It’s normal to be anxious when it seems like everything is changing, but Scorpio, there’s no reason to be afraid right now. Whatever’s happening is happening for you, but you have to allow yourself to see it. If you hold too tightly to what was, or even what you planned, you risk missing out on the magical moments of upgrade the universe has in store for you. As the New Moon rises in Leo on Sunday, August 4, you’re experiencing a fresh start and an upgrade in your career. This will come in the form of a new title, position, or even a new business—and this change will impact and even benefit your life in other ways. Let go of the idea that success only has to come one way and instead realize that you’re finally receiving everything you’ve been trying to manifest.

Sagittarius: August 4

You need to learn to take risks, dear Sagittarius, because those dreams won’t come true on their own. As the New Moon rises in Leo on Sunday, August 4, you’re getting the green light for all things abundance, wealth, travel, and yes, even new opportunities. But you have to be willing to take risks, for yourself and even for what you want. Refuse to settle any longer. That means if an opportunity doesn’t give you a clear answer, you have to let it pass you by, because the more you tolerate, the less you’ll end up creating what you want. Use this energy to get to work on those aspirations or projects you’ve always dreamed of, realizing that you have to take risks to finally have the life you’ve always wanted.

Capricorn: August 4

When you finally feel a positive shift in your life, Capricorn, don’t waste your time wondering if you’re going to lose it. Venus returns to Virgo on Sunday, August 4, and will help you deepen your self-love enough to appreciate and be open to receiving what is meant for you. It’s not just about new beginnings and fresh starts, but there’s something you’re longing to create in your life. Whether it’s a relationship, working more remotely, or even taking an astrology class, you’re looking for more for yourself.

When you feel new doors opening in your life, recognize that you belong in this moment. This is what you have worked for, and when you can embrace these changes with confidence, you will also be in a better position to continue pursuing your dreams.

Aquarius: August 4

Remember who you are, dear Aquarius, especially when it comes to going with the flow and embracing change as it comes. Once Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, August 4th, you will experience a huge transformation in your life. This will affect many areas, including your career, your love life, and even your personal growth and healing. But with Venus here, she will also bring you more luck and abundance. You just need to feel comfortable in this transitional phase. Instead of rushing to fix things or even just making drastic decisions too early, allow yourself to hold space, not for others, but for yourself. Allow yourself to observe and go with the flow so that when luck does start to flow into your life, you will feel confident and courageous enough to seize it.

Pisces: August 4

You’ve been working hard, Pisces. Rest is also sacred. As much as you’ve had to focus on your dreams and work hard to make them come true, the Leo New Moon reminds you that you also need to slow down now and then and take care of yourself. While that may simply be slowing down or catching up on sleep, you may also need to use those boundaries and protect that time for yourself. You don’t always have to burn out to create the life of your dreams, but simply honor what’s important to you, which is yourself. Your needs should always be taken into account. Trust the work you’ve put in so far and don’t be afraid to unplug for a few days and let the universe work for you.

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