Zodiac Signs

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign July 8th-14th, 2024

Aries: July 9

Okay, Aries, it’s time to embrace what seems difficult and become your best self. Be willing to question everything, including those self-limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in dead ends for years. Try to grow, embrace change, and call yourself out when you know you’re not acting in a way that aligns with your goals. This also means changing the way you communicate. Let the energy of Jupiter in Gemini and the North Node in Aries on Tuesday, July 9 help you improve your life. Don’t keep your ideas to yourself or just wait for someone to offer you that amazing new role. Instead, take charge of your destiny, believe in yourself, and make the moves you’ve been dreaming of.

Taurus: July 9

It’s time to take all those intuitive ideas and big dreams and start putting them into action, Taurus. You’ve recently felt like you’ve been guided in a different direction in your career. It hasn’t felt very comfortable, especially since you’ve put in a lot of work to achieve what you thought you wanted. You need to be receptive to change, so you need to start capitalizing on your dreams. The lucky energy of Jupiter in Gemini and the North Node in Aries on Tuesday, July 9 can help revolutionize your career. Even if it’s a side hustle or freelance work, start figuring out how to get your foot in the door and make money from what you’ve been intuitively guided toward. You don’t have to feel like you’re compromising your security to pursue a dream, but instead, figure out how you can have both.

Gemini July 11

Your focus now turns to your finances as Venus moves back into Leo on Thursday, July 11. This is your chance to let money do the real talking and focus on how to increase your finances and create a greater sense of wealth. The key here is that real estate can play a big part in this newfound financial security. So, whether it’s buying, selling, or investing, it would be wise to focus your energy here. While Venus moves through Leo, you can also begin to understand your true worth, so any conversations about a promotion or bonus will also be taken care of during this time. The most important aspect is to remember that you get what you put into this area of ​​your life, so it will pay off in the end if you can take a more proactive approach.

Cancer: July 9

Take some time to listen to the guidance you’re receiving from your intuition, Cancer. While you may have already seen positive developments in your career and are feeling more confident in your success, you still have work to do. As you think about your professional life, be sure to also think about your purpose, because this energy is about more than just a higher salary. You have a divine gift to share with the world. As Jupiter and the North Node align on Tuesday, July 9, you’ll receive guidance on how to begin embracing it. Don’t dismiss any idea as frivolous or far-fetched; instead, slow down your process and plan for the life you dream of.

Leo: July 13

There’s some hesitation in the energy this week, Leo, as you try to not only move forward but slow down and plan your next steps. The First Quarter Moon in Libra on Saturday, July 13 will prompt you to prepare for the fresh start you’ve been wanting. Whether in your career or personal life, what you do this week will have far-reaching effects. While you may be starting to feel more empowered with the return of planets Mercury and Venus to your zodiac sign, try to temper any rash decisions by realizing that the more time you take and plan out those next steps, the more luck you’ll attract into your life.

Virgo: July 13

You’ll thrive in this week’s energy, Virgo, because it’s all about taking care of the details. As the First Quarter Moon rises in Libra on Saturday, July 13, you’ll be encouraged to review your financial information. While this involves thinking about what’s going out versus what’s coming in, as well as any debts, it also encourages you to develop a long-term plan for the wealth you want to attract. By taking care of the details and working with what you have, you’ll radiate an energy of responsibility that the universe always responds to. Try setting aside some time to review your books, then look for ways to generate passive income so you can be sure you’re working toward what you truly want.

Libra: July 9

It can be difficult to make big decisions when you’re not thinking, Libra, but that all changes the week of July 8. Asteroid Pallas stations direct on Tuesday, July 9, helping you gain insight into your finances and whether you’re truly moving forward in a way that honors your worth. This is an opportunity to start making big changes in your life, as you can more decisively say what’s in line with your value and what’s not, as well as having a special sense of money. Use this energy to take any big leaps of faith you’ve been thinking about, especially if they involve moving, and start exploring other ways to make money. Expand the parameters of what you thought was possible and start taking more risks for yourself.

Scorpio: July 11

Scorpio, everything is looking positive for you as Venus returns to Leo on Thursday, July 11. Whatever doubts you have about your career or career path, you need to learn to redirect your thoughts towards more positive outcomes. Venus in Leo will help bring more success, financial wealth, and recognition to your career, as well as a possible move for professional reasons. This is all good news, but it seems like you’ve been more afraid than excited lately. With Mercury and Venus now in this lucrative area of ​​your life, it’s time to let go of those negative doubts and start believing that everything will turn out much better than you could have ever imagined. This is the time to make big career changes and step out of your comfort zone because you are just one choice away from the success you crave.

Sagittarius: July 11

While you often need to learn that all that glitters is not gold, Sagittarius, it seems like new horizons are beckoning you during the week of July 8. Practice discernment, but allow yourself to embrace the new as Venus returns to Leo on Thursday, July 11. This energy will help bring about financial abundance and spiritual gifts—provided you choose to explore what calls to you. Any travel, especially international travel, will be favored at this time as you’ll gain more than just stamps in your passport, but connections and acquaintances that will help you better understand what you want out of life. This is a chapter about saying yes to life more and letting yourself learn what you want and who you are.

Capricorn July 10

There’s no reason to rush right now, Capricorn. Instead, as the first quarter Moon occurs in Libra on Saturday, July 13, you’re being urged to focus on taking steps toward success, including proceeding slowly and carefully. While you usually have no problem taking your time, you’re feeling like there’s been a bit of urgency around you recently that may have meant skipping major steps in your career or starting your own business. Try to take some time to think about how to create the most stable and abundant foundation possible, and don’t be afraid to revisit certain details or topics because it will all work to your advantage in the end. You may see your goal more clearly than before, but that doesn’t mean you have to rush to get there; pace yourself and check your steps.

Aquarius: July 9

You are continually transforming, especially in your career, dear Aquarius, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. While you thought professional changes were coming to your life, there was a lot of uncertainty about what that would look like and when it would happen. There has been movement recently, and possibly an offer, that is helping you see the path ahead with more clarity and confidence. As Pallas stations directing you in Scorpio on Tuesday, July 9, this is your chance to seize that new opportunity or role in your career. Trust yourself and your intuition about where you are being guided. This doesn’t mean it has to be the pinnacle of your professional goals, but it is important to honor the importance of this next step.


You can’t just focus on your dreams, Pisces, but also on what it will take to make them a reality. Often, your dreams or visions of the future seem so grandiose that you can’t figure out how you’ll get from point A to point B. While understanding and clarity don’t just happen by accident, you’ll get a boost as Pallas stations direct in Scorpio on Tuesday, July 9. This energy helps you think, especially about how to make your dreams a reality more easily and with more focus. While Pallas’s direction also indicates a time for traveling and experiencing life, it also helps you plan for the life you want to live. Try to find a balance between enjoying what you’ve already created and continuing to focus on what you want to make a reality. This energy is magical for you and allows you to transform your life to attract greater success and help you become your most authentic self.

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