Zodiac Signs

Mars In Pisces On March 23rd: What Could Change For All Astrological Signs

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024, the planet of action arrives in Pisces. No pleasure cruise here, Mars has an adventurous crossing in store for us. Here’s what that means for each astrological sign.

It’s the shot, in the zodiac. The spring day started the Aries season. In the sky as on Earth, it smells of new beginnings. The energy comes back at a gallop. Our ideas are clearer, too, thanks to Mercury in Aries which turns on all the lights in our brain. Result: we get active, and we take the lead. Paused projects are unblocked, lingering decisions are finally made and we emerge from our winter torpor. And with Mars in Pisces, this is the perfect opportunity to leave your comfort zone and dive into the unknown. Head first. We explain the mood of this month and above all, what it means for your zodiac sign.


We are entering troubled waters. Mars, a planet of action and combativeness, confronts the territory of Pisces: an ocean of possibilities but also of uncertainties. Imagine a medieval warrior propelled into the open sea. He must shed his heavy armor, abandon his sword, and agree to let himself be carried. Mars in Pisces is a challenge for us to let go. It’s as stimulating as it is confusing. The idea? Take action without necessarily knowing everything in advance. Navigate your professional projects or your love life by sight, accepting that the weather is capricious and that you can’t yet see a shoreline appearing on the horizon. The period is ideal for trusting yourself and being more flexible and compassionate towards yourself. We adapt to the unexpected, we operate with more spontaneity, and we remain open to all options.

But be careful of water which doesn’t always sleep. Emotions are strong, sometimes violent, under the influence of Mars. Beware of our overflowing reactions and heated arguments. Be careful, too, not to get carried away by your currents. If we manage to stay the course, the meeting between Mars and Saturn on April 10 could provide concrete answers and consolidate the foundations of a project. A final wave of doubt will hit our journey on April 28, when Mars and Neptune will be conjunct. Finally, on May 1st, we will get our heads above water with the arrival of Mars in Aries.


  • Aries and Pisces are at the forefront. Aries, Mars’ favorite sign, could feel in a period of uncertainty. The feeling of floundering in the semolina, of not succeeding in achieving anything, that everything is slowed down. This is normal: the Fire sign has difficulty with the cosmic fog of Pisces. He will have to learn to let himself be carried without resisting. The finned sign feels galvanized. Mars pushes him to think outside the box and get started. Pisces emerges from its winter passivity, determined to take matters into its own hands and move its plans forward.
  • Cancer and Scorpio wake up. When a star with the Fire element enters Water territory, it electrifies it. In the right direction. Cancer becomes more daring and dares and tries things that he was afraid to try this winter. Scorpio also feels adventurous. Especially since Mars is his former ruling planet and it still exerts a significant influence on his sign. He puts aside his tendency to over-analyze everything. He might even surprise himself by finding it pleasant, to let himself be carried away by the waves.
  • For Taurus and Capricorn, it is also positive. Taurus can finally breathe, and Uranus and Jupiter in their sign stop forming conflicting angles with Mars. No more immobility, the feeling of not being able to move forward. His favorite season boosts him. Nature takes its course, and so does Taurus. Capricorns may be more resistant to this change in perspective. Letting go is not their hobby. Fortunately, the conjunction of Saturn (their star) and Mars on April 10 should help them put their current worries into perspective.
  • For Aquarius, Libra, and Leo, the period is emotionally stormy. These Air and Fire signs will have to learn to listen to each other if they want to move forward. More instinct and empathy will benefit them in all areas of their lives. In love, Mars in Pisces invites them to be more attentive to the desires of the other. At work, using their empathy to resolve delicate issues could be very beneficial.
  • It is Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius who will have a little worry to worry about. At least, at first. For Gemini and Sagittarius, the key will be to learn to temper and dose. There’s no point in running when you have to swim. For Virgo, who hates to move forward blindly, the trajectory is even foggier. His challenge? Allow yourself to abandon projects without regrets to favor others, even if you have no certainty of their success. You’ll have to believe it.

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