Zodiac Signs

Mercury In Pisces On February 23rd: What Is Its Impact On Your Astrological Sign?

Mercury, the star of communication known for its retrogrades, arrives in the constellation Pisces on February 23rd, 2024: here’s what you need to know to avoid losing it.

Meteorologically, the mercury is rising. Astrologically, Mercury dips into Pisces territory. The fastest planet to circle the zodiac makes a new stop in its eternal cosmic road trip and will cross the constellation of Pisces from February 23rd to March 10, 2024. When the star of communication takes a dip in the sensitive sign of Water is a sign of heightened emotionality, tenderness, deep conversations, and great epiphanies at improbable times. An atmosphere of letting go that prepares us for the great renewal of spring and which, inevitably, does not please all the signs of the zodiac. What does Mercury in Pisces mean? What does this moment mean for your astrological sign? Grab a buoy and follow the guide.


Sweet, crazy, and always in the moon, the sign of Pisces is about to rub off on Mercury, the smart little star occupying the position of the planet of communication and intellect. It is an invitation to open ourselves to the world, to let ourselves be carried by the wave without resisting. The general idea of ​​Mercury in Pisces? Use your intuition as well as your reason. An arduous challenge but worth it. At stake? More kindness and listening, towards others but also ourselves. A capacity for unfailing adaptation, great flexibility of mind, creativity galore, sharing, and aperitifs. Exchanges are more gentle and tender on the heart side, while teamwork is more fluid.

But be careful of the other side of the coin. The sign of Pisces does not only have qualities and Mercury can also borrow them from it. “Confused mind, imagination too great a source of illusions and mirages, lack of structure, naivety, influenceability” are the disadvantages of Mercury in Pisces listed by Chris Semet in “Astrology – The essential manual for deciphering your astral chart”. Small hiccups could occur more intensely around March 8, when Mercury will be very close to Neptune: a star of great illusions. Troubled waters or rose water, the ocean of Mercury in Pisces? That will depend on you and your astrological sign.


  • The most fulfilled during this period? The three Water signs: are Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. Operating on intuition is already their default mode. For Pisces, this period is very positive. During his birthday season, many stars give him their support. Result: confidence, good mood, and luck factor. Cancers and Scorpios also benefit from this little return to introversion, this gentleness of exchanges, and (finally) the relaxing silences during long conversations in small groups. The alliance of Jupiter (luck) and Mercury, in the sky, also makes them more relevant, and less suspicious. They are receptive, and attentive to others and to the opportunities that present themselves. In short, these three are like fish in water.
  • Taurus and Capricorn are delighted. Those who like to think long and hard before speaking will be served with the introspective and introverted atmosphere of Mercury in Pisces. But this moment could also develop qualities in them that they tend to ignore. Taurus could discover greater flexibility of mind while Capricorns dare to listen to themselves and use their emotions more in their decision-making. For both signs, it is above all the time to let go, to forgive, and to be less harsh in their exchanges. Their words have more roundness, which produces little effect, especially on the seductive side.
  • For Libra, Aquarius, Leo, and Aries, the shower is almost cold. They were more extroverted than ever during Aquarius season, the change in atmosphere is total. For these Fire and Air signs, the challenge will be to find the Pisces that lie dormant within them. Leos could reconnect with their humility and Aquarius with their compassion. Libra’s challenge would rather consist of learning to listen to their guts and ignore the opinions of others. Finally, the mission of the Aries, if they accept it? Less confrontation and more cooperation. Suffice it to say that for them, Mercury in Pisces is an exercise in synchronized swimming.
  • It’s the three other mutable signs forming tense angles with Pisces that might have the most difficulty understanding what Mercury wants from them. Gemini will see his tendency to over-analyze everything reaches a breaking point: he must concentrate on the essentials and trust others as well as his instincts. The Sagittarius who likes to be in charge and impose himself will have to let go, listen more to others, backpedal, perhaps even stagnate a little, or even apologize. Finally, Virgo, as the opposite sign of Pisces, is not really on the rise. Their capacities for adaptation and synthesis are put to the test. Lesson? This good student will have to agree to delegate, to get help, and sometimes, to fail.

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