Mercury Retrograde Right For The Holidays: We Tell You Why This Timing Is Ideal
This summer, Mercury has decided to retrograde between August 5 and 29, 2024. But don’t panic, Augustans, know that without knowing it, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Because there’s no better time to take a vacation than a good old Mercury retrograde.
Are you seriously itching to take a last-minute vacation? Don’t resist any longer. Because while everyone fears the train delays of Mercury retrograde, know that this is the best window of opportunity to say “ciao bye”. A good time to slow down and rest. This year, the summer retrograde falls right in time for August vacations: we explain why they’ve got it all figured out.
Mercury Retrograde, a friend who wants the best for you
You’ve heard a lot about it, but these planet stories are (literally) going over your head? Catch-up session. Mercury, in astrology, is our mind and our communication. When it retrogrades, it makes a loop. But from our point of view, it’s a backward movement. So symbolically, everything that the planet represents is as if it’s withdrawn or reversed. Hence these stories of glitches regarding communication devices.
Are you having trouble getting in touch with anyone? Your group of friends seems unavailable or are you always missing each other by a hair’s breadth? Maybe it’s time to take advantage of these three weeks of retrograde to focus on solo activities. What better way to do this than to disconnect for a weekend or a trip just for yourself? And if you’re worried about canceled trains, remember that there’s something worse than waiting in a train station to get to the beach: waiting for a delayed train to get to work.
Take your time… or run away
The retrograde is also above all an invitation to slow down your pace. Have you ever wondered why your best ideas and greatest revelations happened in your dreams or the shower? Because your brain had time. It’s impossible to think when you’re always running in perpetual motion between two appointments. Three to four times a year for three weeks: in reality, Mercury retrograde corresponds to an excellent rest program.
Even without leaving, nothing is stopping you from taking Mercury retrograde as a license to let go and lay down your arms. Nothing working? Oh well, you’re not going to fight that printer (again). Everything seems to be going wrong. It happens, it’s happened before, and it probably will again. Delays? If it’s not a matter of life and death, it can probably wait. Because with Mercury retrograde, you have two options. You can fight in the quicksand by exhausting yourself and reliving your worst childhood trauma with the movie “The Neverending Story.” Or you can decide to embrace the chaos. To do this, there’s nothing like going out for some fresh air (and an ice cream by the sea) or simply switching to “energy-saving” mode. If your colleague asks you why you don’t seem too stressed today, despite the problems that are piling up, simply answer: “It’s the retrograde. Mentally, I’m on vacation.”