Zodiac Signs

New Moon, Full Moon: How Will The Moon Impact October 2024?

A New Moon under the sign of renewal, the last Super Moon of the year, and a lunar eclipse to boot: what do the phases of the Moon have in store for us this October 2024?

She has nothing to envy Jules Verne: the Moon goes around the zodiac in 28 days. As a result, it is she who sets the pace for daily horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, and, of course, lunar horoscopes. This month of October 2024 is no exception to the rule. Between a New Moon that invites us to start again on a healthy basis and a full-bodied Full Moon that confronts us with our past: it is a new cycle that is being prepared. A sort of Samhain Advent calendar (the witches’ new year) with two boxes.

October 2: We rebalance our relationships with the New Moon in Libra

Need some lightness? To breathe? That’s good, the New Moon in Libra promises to reduce tensions and bring a little more calm to relationships. At least, according to astrology. Why this “peace pipe” atmosphere? Libra is the sign of harmony par excellence, linked to Venus, the star of cooperation and unions. Placed at the center of the zodiac, it plays the role of mediator. A New Moon symbolizing renewal, this October 2 is perfect for pressing the “reset” button in our relationships with others and smoothing out rough edges.

  • The lessons of the New Moon in Libra? Strengthen communication, focus on what unites us rather than what divides us, and find pleasure in making compromises. More gentleness, sensitivity, and listening to others and oneself.
  • The advantages of this New Moon in Libra? It is coupled with a conjunction of Mercury (communication) and the Sun (what we externalize). The moment is even more favorable to reunions as well as to dialogue, the real one, with a fair balance of power.
  • The downsides of this New Moon? A tendency to want to please too much, to withhold information, to hesitation, and a lack of authenticity.
  • The signs most affected: are Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius. The three Air signs invite you to put a little more effort into creating a healthy family, friendly, or romantic environment. But it is also the ideal time for singles to meet people and for couples to embark on a new path.

October 17: Supermoon and eclipse in Aries creates turmoil

Far from the calm and satiny atmosphere of the New Moon in Libra, this Full Moon of October 17 speaks to us of affirmation. Of oneself, of what we want, and of the way in which we will seek it. By passing through this sign of Fire full of moments how the super Moon illuminates our ambitions, our desire to achieve and exist for ourselves. But since this Full Moon takes place during a lunar eclipse, its astrological meaning is a little deeper. It ends a cycle started during the last lunar eclipse in the axis of Aries and Libra, questions us on that our past year. The time has come to take stock and above all: to act accordingly.

  • What does the Full Moon in Aries on October 17 teach us? To take our freedom, our independence, without waiting indefinitely for permission. To start things, respond to our desires and move forward.
  • The advantages of this Full Moon in Aries? Motivation is the desire to do something that makes sense and gives us the feeling of existing, intuition, and creativity.
  • The downsides of the October Full Moon? Impulsiveness and emotional instability are accentuated by the presence of Mars (planet of action and Aries’ lucky star) in emotional Cancer.
  • The most impacted signs: are Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. The four fixed signs that together form a cross in the zodiac are the most affected by the symbolism of this Full Moon. Aries and Libra in particular since this eclipse activates insecurities in them around the themes of identity and legitimacy.

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