Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius Season Is Off To A Difficult Start For These Two Astrological Signs

With each change of astral season, the stars destabilize certain astrological signs. Here are the signs least favored by the planets between November 16 and 23, 2023.

The good news this week is that even the signs at the bottom of the rankings are not that afflicted by the planets. The sky is relatively mild, and this is felt in the zodiac. Unfortunately, in each top there are the signs at the top of the podium, those that the arrival of the Sagittarius season invigorates, and then the last ones in the ranking. Those for whom this change of scenery will not happen without a small period of adaptation. Don’t panic, in the sky, the stars generally wish you well and that’s Jean-Yves Espié who proves it to us. The astrologer gives you his advice on how to bounce back, based on the strengths of your zodiac sign.


As a good fixed sign, this sign prefers when things settle down and last. Of all the Fire signs, Leo always struggles the most with change. The Sagittarius season and its atmosphere as flamboyant as it is festive should nevertheless delight him, but Leo still finds it difficult to rejoice. For now, at least. Because if the conjunction between the Sun and Mars reboots Leo, it also has a small counter-effect: “A risk of impatience or a desire to push through. » They sometimes tend to want everything right away, Leos don’t hide it. So when the astral configuration makes things ever more urgent, the cosmic feline stamps its feet. He loses patience, he complains, and he gets discouraged. Don’t worry, this state only lasts a few days, until the Sun rushes into the jovial constellation of Sagittarius which will encourage Leo to be positive. As Jean-Yves Espié advises, “Bet on thoughtful negotiations to obtain the best results”. Especially since Mercury in Sagittarius benefits you. We breathe!


The Libra season has left her socially exhausted and the Scorpio season, which is coming to an end, has given her a hard time emotionally: Virgo is somewhat on edge these days. We sometimes forget that this astrological sign is born in summer and that the cold season is always a little complicated for it, whether, in terms of the arrangement of planets or lack of vitamin D. Star-wise, it’s Saturn who plays the troublemaker here. In the sign of Pisces, the planet of responsibilities and doubts continues to eye Virgo, from the other end of the zodiac. As a result, she slips, she tries to always do better in vain, and exhausts herself unnecessarily. Virgo takes a hit on morale and self-confidence. Fortunately, it is in the sky the only difficult influence for the moment, on the side of Virgo. This is what Jean-Yves Espié explains: “Thanks to the Sun and Mars in complicit signs, you will have the cards in hand to organize your daily life as you wish without feeling obliged to think of others. » The astrologer’s advice? Take a step back, everything is not so bad.

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