Zodiac Signs

Spring Awakening: Which Zodiac Signs Are Taking Off Now?

Three zodiac signs can look forward to a lot of spring fever and energy in the week starting March 25th.

From March 25th, some zodiac signs are fully in their element and can start the week with energy and a zest for life. We looked at the stars for you and saw which lucky ones are now giving full throttle.

#1 Cancer

At the moment you can completely trust your body. You eat intuitively and only put as much on your plate as you need. This also makes it easier for you to deal with chocolate, chips, etc.

From a sporting point of view, you are just giving full throttle and can set new records. It looks good, especially when doing strength training, and you can build up a lot of muscle. If you keep at it, you will soon see success!

#2 Virgo

The last few weeks have been quite draining – that has left its mark. Nevertheless, you didn’t let yourself get dragged down and continued to work.

Now you can get started again and gather new energy. You start training again with small steps and eat a balanced and healthy diet. Your body will thank you!

#3 Leo

The fiery Aries sun gives you a real energy boost and makes you shine not only on the outside but also on the inside.

When you exercise, you put your foot down and outrun everyone else. At the moment you are capable of peak performance. Nevertheless, you pay careful attention to regeneration and breaks. In return, you can have a good time with the wellness and beauty treatment.

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