Zodiac Signs

Tarot Forecast For All Zodiac Signs For The Week From August 29 To September 4

Want to know what this week has in store for you?

Aries – Wheel of Fortune

You are likely to expect sudden events that will change everything. It is difficult to predict what and how will happen and in what area of ​​your life, but everything will become dramatically different from what it was and is now. So it is impossible to prepare, but you can tune in – this is a new chance!

Taurus – 4 of Wands

Summer is coming to an end, and it’s time to evaluate its results, measure and weigh crops, rejoice at achievements, celebrate good luck, and take a look at the segment of the path we have traveled. You can relax a little, and have a halt and a picnic before moving on.

Gemini – 2 of cups

It will be easy for you with your sociability and communication this week, it promises new interesting meetings and contacts. Offers. Feel free to meet them halfway, in any case, it will be pleasant, and quite possibly, in the future it will be useful.

Cancer – 4 of swords

And you just try to distance yourself from reality these days, lie down on the bottom, close the hatches, and turn off the means of communication. Well, you’re just not there, and let the storms rage on the surface, and you sleep peacefully, waiting out at a distance from events. You will come up when everything calms down.

Leo – 6 of cups

This week, old friends and acquaintances may appear, or you will simply be visited by a desire to find them, to find out how they live. Review a school or student album, remember your first love, and mourn the past. And old friendships sometimes become relevant, old contacts bring unexpected new opportunities. Do not give up memory – it’s part of you.

Virgo – 2 of wands

These days we have to decide where to go, in which direction, and it would be nice if the possibilities did not exclude one another. Everything can be done in parallel, and also – look for partners, together a lot is easier and more interesting.

Libra – Emperor

These days, listen to what your superiors say – bosses, masters, authorities – and do as they say, try to ensure that all your actions are approved by them and officially. In other cases, act “according to the charter” – you will not be mistaken.

Scorpio – 3 of cups

And collect, how are you a bachelorette party, go with your girlfriends to a cafe or shopping, gossip and giggle. Now you can and even need to relax with your friends, have fun, not look back at the rules, and rejoice – even if it’s some nonsense).

Sagittarius – Empress

These days everything will be your way, you are the mistress of your space, your decisions are the most important, and your beauty and charm attract people who need care and participation. Take care of yourself and others, share your warmth and soft power, and be like that mother who is beautiful))).

Capricorn – Page of Pentacles

Your penchant for precision and observance of formal rules will serve you well now – count, weigh, take into account, accumulate, store. Everything will be useful – to you and others, and soon.

Aquarius – Knight of Swords

The week is likely to be a conflict one, requiring drastic decisions and actions on the verge of aggression. There are moments when it is simply impossible to do otherwise. So do not avoid collisions, act with force, and remember – in a fight, it is not the strongest who wins, but the most evil.

Pisces – 5 of Wands

There will be some petty quarrels around, the struggle of someone’s ambitions and pride, but what do you care? Try not to get involved in this, and you will be more whole, and then, when the passions cool down, you will find yourself at an advantage as not involved in sandalwood and not involved in anything. When they start handing out to the participants in the scandal and find out who started it first, you will pretend to be surprised.

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