Zodiac Signs

Tarot Spread For Each Zodiac Sign For The Week From October 3 To October 9

Do you want to know what this week has in store for you? Then quickly read the Tarot layout for each zodiac sign from the grand master of Tarot Olna Lemberg!

Aries – 5 of Cups

Most likely, you will face some current troubles and disappointments, a slight attack of the autumn blues. Seasonal changes are inevitable, you can be sad, but you shouldn’t be seriously upset – everything has its time, the buds of the next spring have already formed under the fallen leaves, and the tree itself has stood, still stands, and will stand, the current troubles have nothing to do with the foundations and essence of your life influence.

Taurus – Judgment

This week, important information will come – through some means from the outside – that you will have to continue to live with and take into account. Whether some decision will be made, whether some secret will be revealed, whether some event will happen that will not affect you alone – be ready to accept it and continue to live with it. But most likely it will be for the better.

Gemini – 2 of Pentacles

Your communication skills these days will help you solve problems in an easy, playful way. Be attentive to the little things, think about words and intonations, and carefully read the small print – this will save you and those around you from major troubles and scandals.

Cancer – 5 of Pentacles

Most likely, these days you will experience unplanned expenses and losses, or the expected receipt of funds simply will not happen. So be frugal, be careful in your purchases, and don’t be shy, if pressed, ask for help or join forces with someone to minimize losses.

Leo – Knight of Swords

Conflict situations are likely this week, and it may even be that you become the initiator of the conflict. But sometimes there is no way to solve the problem other than a swift and merciless attack. Only the blow must be fast and accurate.

Virgo – Queen of Wands

Take a closer look – among your friends and acquaintances, most likely, there is someone who gets her way, seemingly without making any visible effort, only through charm and inner fire, but for some reason, everyone does as she wants, and is always in her interests. Learn from her, and try to get closer to her, she will always help.

Libra – King of Wands

These days, rely on the help of a friend, someone who will help, and also warm and comfort, simply because of his spiritual generosity and generosity. Is there one like this among your friends? Hospitable, charming, charismatic? Communicate with him more these days, his energy, which he generously shares with the world, will help you in your difficulties.

Scorpio – King of Pentacles

And you will have to deal with someone who has the resources that you need. In general, he is more inclined to help, but to help, and not to encourage unreasonable spending. So be ready to justify how much and why and why it costs exactly that much. Remember, you are not stingy, but prudent. That’s why he’s wealthy.

Sagittarius – Emperor

These days, just do as your elders say, listen to your bosses and masters, act exactly according to instructions, and don’t try to break through strong brick walls with your head. Stability and confidence in today and tomorrow are important now, but ensuring it is not your concern, but those in power. Just don’t bother them, don’t annoy them.

Capricorn – 4 of Pentacles

These days, don’t worry about the world outside your territory, it will take care of itself. Your role is to maintain order and well-being in your household, in your home, and on your table. Take care of your corner and just don’t let external chaos come here.

Aquarius – Page of Swords

Be observant but secretive these days. A lot is going on around us, a lot of things are being said, and not always the truth or with good intentions. And you take note of everything, take it into account – it will come in handy. Just keep quiet and just remember everything.

Pisces – 3 of Pentacles

And you just work and try to do your job as best as possible. Others will evaluate it, and no matter how much you earn, the experience will go to you in its entirety.

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