Zodiac Signs

The 2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance In October 2024

Eclipse season continues as Venus transits Scorpio, and two signs, in particular, are likely to reap major benefits. In September 2024, a lunar eclipse in Pisces transformed many. But that eclipse was just the first act of opportunities for change and fulfillment this fall, especially throughout October.

October continues the 2024 fall eclipse season with a solar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday, October 2. And as any astrology enthusiast knows, eclipses bring upheaval and big changes, both cosmic and personal—and they almost always bring the closing of chapters in our lives.

While lunar eclipses are synonymous with finality and endings, solar eclipses are synonymous with bright new beginnings. Add to that Venus’ transit through Scorpio and October is set to have major impacts on all of us, especially for two zodiac signs in particular.

Two Zodiac Signs Likely to Experience Abundance During October 2024 Eclipse and Transits

Venus is currently in Scorpio until October 17, 2024, and for all of us, it’s all about partnerships, whether with family, colleagues, or perhaps especially in relationships. The solar eclipse on October 2 could well open doors in this regard, offering opportunities for new relationships or new chapters in established ones.

This period will not be without pitfalls, especially towards the middle of the month, when interpersonal problems could be felt. But it is an opportunity to deepen, strengthen, and broaden our bonds. And for two signs in particular, the upgrade is about to become real.

1. Libra

It’s your time, Libra! As astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim says, October is a time to “marry beauty with power”—and maybe even turn that into gold to line your pockets. Why? The month’s transits mean you’ll likely find communication easier than usual and an expansiveness that opens you up to new opportunities if you seize them.

And with the solar eclipse in your exact sign, October is truly your time to shine. Launching new partnerships and alliances can pay major dividends in your life—and it might even be the best time to find a new lover.

If you are already in a relationship, look for new opportunities to deepen and transform your relationship. While you may not even need to look for them, they may come your way, especially when it comes to conflict resolution. So keep your eyes, heart, and mind open to receive what comes your way.

2. Taurus

October’s transits and celestial events could bring a bit of tumult to Taurus, there may be no escaping it. But once the dust settles, Taurus can look forward to some truly satisfying gains.

Relationships with your partner or family members can be a bit difficult at times. But as always, after darkness comes dawn: these tensions are likely to give way to a new sense of comfort and stability that will be deeply satisfying.

Similar trends are likely to play out in other areas of life, such as your work, finances, and social life, especially as Venus moves through Scorpio until October 17.

It won’t be without its challenges, though. Expect emotions to be intense—that’s part of this transit for Taurus, as well as other fixed signs. It’s a time of confronting realities and fears that, as astrologer @codingastrology put it , can “hold us back or prevent us from truly connecting with others.”

But facing the darkness in our lives always leads to change, transformation, new beginnings, and most importantly, answers. So if you’re feeling particularly passionate this month, go with the flow and ride the wave: it’s leading you to something beautiful!

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