Zodiac Signs

The Hard Truth You’ll Want To Hear Before October Begins, According To Your Zodiac Sign.


October will be a month that will start strong, it is time to close a chapter of your life, there are no more excuses. Stop carrying childhood traumas, it is time for you to embrace your inner child and boldly tell them that everything will be okay. These ghosts have kept you on the defensive and you do not deserve that, do not force yourself to stop feeling just because of the pain of someone from your past. October comes with a bath of honesty, it will shake your fears and lead you to listen to your feelings. It is a liberating month, things get to the point, and the one who does not think to get out of your life. You are no longer here to decorate anything.


Better than anyone, you clearly understand that routine is essential to achieving your goals, but not everything is about repetition and repetition. October is a month that comes to awaken your euphoria, let that crazy, impulsive, and daring Taurus appear, let it take control, it does not make you less intelligent or less responsible, it makes you human and you have the right to have fun. With the little things. I am not telling you that your life is bad, but you deserve to enjoy all the work you do every day. Remember that rest is essential, take advantage of October to listen to yourself and put on the table what fills you.


It is one thing not to miss opportunities and another to demand yourself without limits. You are a very adventurous and spontaneous sign and you greatly appreciate everything that appears in your life. However, this does not mean that you have to give in to all proposals, it is time for you to say “no”. You have every right to choose yourself, being with you is also a good project. October will be a difficult month because it will invite you to go deep within yourself, but perhaps you will not like what you will find. Stop postponing your truth from one plane to another. Stop and listen to yourself, even if it is painful. You are not here to please, do not forget it.


Do you deserve it? Of course, you are one of the sweetest, most devoted, and most loving people of the zodiac signs, do not settle for mediocre love and false friendships. It is time for you to demand reciprocal bonds, which fulfill you in every way. It hurts to accept it, there are people you love too much, but they will never give you what you expect. It hurts because no one teaches us to let go, but October wants you to analyze. Stay with those people who make you feel appreciated, recognized, and loved. You deserve to have that life in which you look in the mirror and thank the Universe for everything beautiful.


It’s time to stop arguing, you’re wearing yourself out for people who don’t even know half of your story. Only you know all the fears you’ve had to overcome, the sleepless nights, the tears that have choked your chest. You’ll never convince everyone, there will always be someone who will point the finger at you and that’s okay. Let people talk, October is the month to end those relationships that don’t benefit you at all. You know very well that some look at you because they’re waiting for the moment you stumble to make fun of you. Stay away, your mental and emotional health deserves it.


Sometimes indifference is your best weapon, you don’t need to dirty your mouth and much less your hands, just ignore the evil of those who want to see you on your knees. Without a doubt, October is a month that will remind you of what is wrong and what is right. Some people drain your energy and time, it is not fair that you dedicate your most productive side to those who are stones in your path. Stop trying to change someone who does not want to. It is not your role to be someone’s savior if they are not willing to open their eyes, it is not your responsibility. Let go, October is for letting go.


I know your head won’t stop, it wants this and that at the same time, but that’s exactly what you need, time for yourself. Allow yourself to rest and I don’t just mean physically but also mentally and emotionally. This year has been very complicated, your heart has suffered one scratch after another and it’s good that you’re taking a break. This doesn’t mean you’re weak. On the contrary, October reminds you that you are also your priority. It’s not selfish to put yourself first on your list, it’s your turn, many have ignored you in the name of love and it’s not worth it. It’s not worth taking advantage of your heart.


Look at yourself, you are the kind of person to whom the world is not closed. It is possible that in a flash stress makes you think that you are not capable of overcoming difficulties, but it is enough for your resilient side to activate so that you can move forward. You work hard, you do not settle and you deserve a life where your whims count. October is a month that comes to remind you that there is nothing wrong with treating yourself. In the same way that you surprise others with their favorite things, you deserve it too. Do not wait for others to offer you flowers or invite you to the cinema, treat yourself, you can do it, you do not need anyone to be happy. You choose who to share your happiness with.


How many relationships have you avoided so far this year? I’m not just talking about love issues, how many friendships have gotten out of control? A part of you feels so insecure about love that you’d rather not do it and that’s not healthy. Sagittarius, I want you to read this as many times as you need: You are enough. Your love is very precious and you have all the qualities for someone to decide to commit to you, don’t run away. October is a month to learn to give in, to surrender, and to stop comparing yourself to others. Your light is enough to warm any heart.


Life is like that, sometimes extremely cruel, because no matter how hard you try, things just don’t happen. Maybe it’s what you have, maybe it’s the consequences of your actions, the joke is that it’s very frustrating to see how you give your best and don’t get what you dream of. It’s okay Capricorn, you’re not the only one fighting this battle and the emotional upheavals of life. There are times when you ask and you get it, but others when you have to face reality. October is an invitation to let go, to stop holding on to what you can’t control. It’s hard, but it’s the only way to be able to evaluate your progress.


Never minimize what you have in your heart, in your mind, and what your body is capable of doing. You are a very intelligent, courageous, and strong sign, you have the power to create the life you want and your words have nuances, trust them and what your inner voice dictates to you. October is supposed to teach you that you are ready to face whatever life throws at you, do not be afraid. Every step you take is guided by the Universe and will lead you to live exactly what it should be. Decrees and things will happen, not by magic, they will happen because of you, because of this powerful soul who opens doors with ease.


Life is anything but rosy. There are days when you want to throw in the towel and you can do it, it doesn’t mean you’re going to stay in the hole. Let the sadness envelop you from time to time and once you’ve let go of all the tears and all that pain, it comes back to you. To that Pisces who never stops dreaming, who can help, even if he has nothing. The Pisces who makes the difference is the one with a huge heart. October wants you to remember that ups and downs are part of learning, it doesn’t make you a loser. On the contrary, it makes you the person who can recognize his fears, the one who faces them and starts over.

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