Zodiac Signs

The Horoscope Warns That Mercury Retrograde May Lead To Bad Decisions This Week.

Do you feel the irrepressible urge to send a message to your ex? Your horoscope for the week from March 31 to April 6 suggests that a new month begins under somewhat tumultuous auspices. We are in the heart of one of the most trying astrological configurations of the year 2024. So take care of yourself during this period.

The milestone begins on April 1 with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, signaling a time ripe for misunderstandings, heated exchanges, and outbursts of anger. Aries, with its fiery and impulsive nature, tends to favor immediate action, leaving reflection until later. However, it is good to remember that some conflicts do not deserve to be initiated, especially at a time when susceptibility and egos are raw under this astrological influence.

Mercury retrograde has the particularity of bringing the past to the forefront, encouraging you to confront old issues and seek resolutions. It is not uncommon for former partners and friends to resurface during this time. And when Venus, the planet of love and romance, forms an alignment with mysterious and bewitching Neptune on April 3, the idea of ​​rekindling old flames and reawakening dormant feelings might seem appealing to you.

However, it is advisable to think carefully before committing or allowing yourself to be guided by the illusions of a capricious heart because this situation can prove disappointing. If something seems too ideal to be true, it probably is.

On April 5, with the entry of Venus into Aries, matters of the heart gain in intensity but also impulsiveness. Venus faces challenges in this sign, where instant attraction risks losing its luster as quickly as it appeared. However, the sextile formed between Venus and Pluto, the transformer, on April 6, invites introspection on the nature of love in your life, both towards yourself and the people who have marked your journey.

Here’s what you can expect for your horoscope for the coming week, based on your Sun sign and/or rising sign:

Aries weekly horoscope

This week, the brilliance of your creativity is there.

The week opens with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a phase that will last until April 25. With Mercury returning to direct motion in your sign, what you lost or left behind may well be returned to you, including some people. An old love could resurface. An acquaintance from the past could reconnect, moved simply by the thought of you. A conversation could then begin, opening the door to exciting developments.

Then, the Sun in Aries forms a semisextile with Saturn in Pisces. You may need more focus to get through the day. The numbers might seem to dance before your eyes, with the sums not adding up, making balancing the accounts particularly difficult. For Aries, it would be wise to use this energy to build, one step at a time. This could involve assembling a bookcase, building a garden wall, or even building an entire house.


This week, your messages are spoken loud and clear.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries. Mercury will remain retrograde until April 25. You might get carried away with a video game. Maybe it’s a game you haven’t played in a while, and now its colorful graphics and thrilling action are drawing you in again. It’s fun, but it could take up a lot of your time over the next few weeks.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. Arranging a meeting with a friend might turn out to be more complicated than expected. Your schedules don’t quite match up. They might be late through no fault of their own, or you might go to the wrong place and end up at another coffee shop. This week, Taurus could be somewhat frustrating at times.

Gemini weekly horoscope

This week you contemplate both the past and the future.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will last until April 25. An old friend may show up at your door. It could be someone you haven’t seen in years or even decades, and you’re overwhelmed with nostalgic, happy memories. If you are looking for love, this meeting could rekindle a forgotten flame.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. The work could be tough this week. You might find, Gemini, that the report you plan to submit is incomplete, or you might discover an error just before you send it. You may have to work overtime to rectify the situation. Or maybe you’ll wait for someone to send you data to finalize your report. This week could prove to be frustrating.


This week you are appreciated.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will last until April 25. You may have the opportunity to return to your previous job. Someone from your previous workplace might notify you of a job opening. It is possible that your former supervisor will ask you to replace him during his leave, or that you will be temporarily loaned to your former team for an additional project.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. You could be reviewing a contract right now. Cancer, things may not be as simple and clear as you hoped. There may be legalese or crucial points that are unclear, which could make you reluctant to sign. It might be wise to postpone this.

Leo weekly horoscope

This week, adventure is within reach.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will continue until April 25. You might consider going back to school. This could involve completing previous courses or obtaining an advanced degree. Professional training to acquire new skills quickly could also be on the agenda. If you are a teacher, you might even consider returning to a position you previously held.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This week, a financial transaction could encounter many obstacles. Problems could arise one after another, causing delays. A document may be missing. A misplaced signature could require printing a new document. The week could be punctuated by many small frustrations.


This week, you could discover interesting financial opportunities.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will continue until April 25. It would be wise to review your financial situation now. Advantageous investments may come to you, or you may need to rebalance your portfolio to ensure adequate diversification in the face of market fluctuations. Who knows, you might even make an unexpected financial discovery this week.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. You might encounter disagreements with your partner, especially around the middle of the week. Virgo, a small disagreement could escalate into larger proportions, especially if one of you is tired or already frustrated. Trying to let go of past resentments, at least for this week, will help preserve the peace.

Libra weekly horoscope

This week, nothing is stopping you from treating yourself.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will continue until April 25. Someone from your past could resurface. It could be that you’ve been thinking about her and she contacts you by chance, or you’ve been dreaming about her and now she crosses your path at the cafe. This chance meeting could reignite a past romance into a fiery flame.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. A work routine might prove particularly frustrating today. A member of management might suggest a new approach, one that is slower and less precise than the one you used before. This might upset you, especially since you already have a busy to-do list. You might feel the need to discuss this with your supervisor, but it might be best to postpone that for another time, Libra.


This week, you could experience intense emotions.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will continue until April 25. During this period, a business opportunity could present itself to you. You may think you missed it or it may be too late to take advantage of it at a great price. Or, you might be asked again for a collaboration or partnership. Scorpio, you could score a good deal this week.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. You may feel an unusual lack of patience today. You may be surrounded by a large number of people and experience a higher level of noise than usual. Now is not the ideal time to be in a train station, airport, or kindergarten classroom.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

This week you feel like you’re reliving the past again.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will continue until April 25. You might find yourself thinking about someone you were interested in in the past, perhaps years ago. They may also have you in mind. Now might be a good time to scour social media to see if you can reunite with an old flame. It’s also quite likely that they are looking for you.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This week, something at home is causing you frustration. Whether it’s because of the dishwasher not doing a good job or the noise coming from the neighbors. You feel angry and solving a problem becomes difficult. It might be best to put aside the dishes, close the windows, and take a break with a nap.


This week you discover an interesting opportunity.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will last until April 25. You might consider, as a Capricorn, changing your place of residence. This thought may cross your mind from time to time, but now that Mercury is retrograde, the idea has resurfaced. Now is a good time to think seriously about it, by looking at housing prices, assessing rental prices where you’re planning to go, or even starting to sort through your home to get rid of the excess.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. It’s easy to feel frustrated this week, especially when you’re on the road. You may encounter additional traffic, road construction, or speed enforcement. A simple trip to the supermarket could take much longer than expected, and it could prove difficult to arrive at the office on time.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

This week, your talents stand out.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will last until April 25. You might pay close attention to your vehicle or means of transportation. Even if you know it’s not wise to buy a car during Mercury retrograde, you might be sorely tempted to test drive or look at the latest models. You may also receive a recall notice for your vehicle, which would require you to make an appointment with the dealership.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. Trying to avoid some inconveniences could end up costing you money. You might wonder if it’s worth paying extra to avoid frustration, and the whole process might annoy you. If possible, postpone any financial transactions, such as purchasing plane tickets or subscribing to a new streaming service, until later.


This week you attract people to you.

The week begins with Mercury beginning its retrograde in Aries, a movement that will continue until April 25. You might notice that something you previously decided not to buy is now occupying your thoughts insistently. As a Pisces, you might end up giving in and acquiring the item in question, even if you initially decided not to. However, given Mercury’s retrograde, if you opt for this purchase, make sure it can be returned.

Next, the Sun in Aries forms a semi-sextile aspect with Saturn in Pisces. Someone may give you additional responsibilities this week. This person might express admiration for your skills in this area and encourage you to take on these new tasks from now on. This might frustrate you, but chances are there’s nothing you can do about it right now. Just make a mental note that you will have a discussion with this person in the future.

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