Zodiac Signs

The Luckiest Day In August 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: August 26

As asteroid Ceres heads into Capricorn on Monday, August 26, this is your chance to start taking care of yourself and your success, dear Aries. You can often get so caught up in success and creating a thriving career that you forget to take care of yourself. You forget that your career doesn’t have to drain all of your energy and that you deserve a professional life that energizes you. Ceres Direct in Capricorn is an opportunity to take a step back from work, take care of yourself, and even find a more sustainable pace. But you can also finally feel confident that what you’ve worked for and diligently nurtured is also paying off. Don’t forget to take time for yourself so that you can feel your best, no matter how difficult your job may be.

Taurus: August 19

Embrace all the well-deserved recognition that is coming your way, Taurus. The Aquarius full moon on Monday, August 19 shines a light of growth into your career sector, as you finally feel like you are seeing the results you are looking for. While this doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road or the best it can be, it does ask you to pause to make sure you are enjoying it. Make sure you are comfortable with praise and have a clear idea of ​​your future intentions for your career, as you may also find that this energy opens up new possibilities. The more you can act from your truth, the more you are willing to follow your path and take risks, the more gratitude and abundance you will manifest, as well as a true confidence that you are on the path to your dreams.

Gemini: August 19

Gemini, there is no better time than now to fully decide to live the life of your dreams. Aquarius energy rules your house of luck, which tends to bring opportunities for education, travel, business, wealth, and even spiritual growth. As the Full Moon in Aquarius lights up the sky on Monday, August 19, you are reaching a peak in your quest for expansion. This energy will help you bring an important path to fruition or even be that divine nudge that helps you see that no matter how prepared you are or how much you have overthought in the past, one day, to get what you want, you will simply have to take that step forward into your future. Try to see that the universe is just waiting for you to make a decision, and as you commit more to your dreams, you will see how easy it is to manifest everything you have ever wanted.

Cancer: August 4

Finances seem to be a recent theme in your life, Cancer. While you’re caught up in the process of building a new life, it seems like you haven’t been feeling much hope lately about your ability to find the success you desire either. But everything comes in waves, and so each moment that has occurred has only prepared you for this new beginning. You need to understand that while an unexpected financial windfall is incredible, being able to create your source of income as part of your career success is ultimately what you’re looking for. You might revisit a past career opportunity or dream this month. Instead of ignoring it or thinking about the work that needs to be done to make it a reality, lean into where it leads you. This will be especially true with the Leo New Moon on Sunday, August 4, as you’re guided into an incredibly abundant new chapter in your life.

Leo: August 4

Take some time to reflect on what truly enriches your life, dear Leo. Mercury will be retrograde for the first half of the month in Virgo, ruler of your house of value, before moving into your sector of self. You should be changing your mind, realizing what is most important or even what you value most in your life, but the twist is that what you decide this month will challenge the way you have lived your life up until now. While Mercury helps you gain a better understanding of who you are, what you desire, and even what you are worth, Venus will return to Virgo on Sunday, August 4th, and bring a multitude of financial blessings into your life. Venus in Virgo helps you see that whatever Mercury retrograde throws at you will be worth it, especially as you begin to realize that it is not just material wealth or objects that make life worth living, but what you do with it that matters most.

Virgo: August 9

You’ve been on a journey to discover what balance means in your life, Virgo. Not just internally, but also between your ambitious dreams and the stable, loving, and consistent personal life you desire. While this may have initially appeared as a clash between career and family, home and adventure, it’s about gaining a better understanding of what you want out of your life. Asteroid Juno returns to Libra on Friday, August 9, bringing greater financial abundance and deeper personal relationships. You’ll begin to feel more comfortable in your life and hopeful as you begin to see that what you want to create is possible. Juno in Libra can also bring up financial documents in your relationship, such as a prenuptial agreement, investments, or even better future planning. Even though you’re moving into a more fulfilling era in your life, you may still want to wait until September to sign anything.

Libra: August 12

You are in a precarious position, Libra, as you are receiving many signs from the universe, but the question remains whether you are fully listening to them. You are being pushed to embrace new horizons, expand your life, and focus on what you have always wanted to manifest. You have also had fears about your success and how embracing your dreams might impact some of your current circumstances and relationships. You can only make the decisions that are best for you, but as the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio rises, you will have the opportunity to focus more on the financial part of this new chapter. The First Quarter Moon represents a time when you are being asked to invest a little more, do the work, shift your intention a little, and take the lead. You may find that you no longer need a partner, business, or otherwise, in this next chapter of your life. But becoming aware of it is only the first step, because to fully harness this energy, you can take back your power.

Scorpio: August 4

Trust that life is different and will turn out much better than you ever imagined, Scorpio. You have been given a new opportunity to grow in your professional life, whether it is a new position at your current job or even a whole new business. You have been given this great gift from the universe, but rather than just opening it up with gratitude, you are analyzing it to see if it is truly what you want—or even if it is real. You can stop doubting these abundant gifts from the universe or worrying that you are being cheated in any way. You deserve incredible wealth and opportunities, Scorpio, and that is exactly what the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4th will bring you. Be sure to direct all negative thoughts and allow yourself to be happy, even thrilled, with what is coming into your life. But most importantly, Scorpio, it’s time to believe that you are finally receiving what you’ve been waiting so long to manifest.

Sagittarius: August 4

To do what you love, you first have to understand what that is, Sagittarius. As the explorer of the zodiac, you tend to try many different avenues to see what life has to offer and to make sure there isn’t something better waiting around the next corner. But to trust in your ability to find your purpose or niche, you also have to let yourself trust your own decisions. As Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, August 4, you’ll receive a financial and professional boost for your career. Venus rules love, wealth, and even real estate, so you might also receive a bonus or even consider relocating for work — especially with Leo Energy currently lighting up your house of expansion. Trusting yourself is key right now, Sagittarius because you deserve to do what you love, but you also deserve to live a life that you truly love.

Capricorn: August 22

The universe always has the final say, Capricorn, because the best moments in life are the ones you can never plan. Instead of thinking that you have to be able to see the path ten steps ahead of you, slow down and focus more on where you are right now. When you can reflect on what you can do right now to spark more fulfillment, excitement, love, and even abundance, you are also setting an intention for the future. As the Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, August 22, you will feel motivated to try new things, explore different paths, and realize that sometimes the luckiest choice you can make is simply to let go of trying to control everything. Approach your life as an experiment in what resonates with your soul and makes you happiest. There is no reward for living a life that others want you to live, but the rewards are limitless once you find the life you want to live.

Aquarius: August 29

Fall in love with life again, Aquarius. Just because things have been tough lately doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to experience all the wonders you’ve always dreamed of. While some personal matters may still feel unfinished, you need to refocus on what you want for your life. You can’t let the actions or even inactions of others determine what you do for yourself. Instead, you need to return to your authentic, most optimistic self and realize that you have a choice. Venus will return to Libra on Thursday, August 29, bringing love and abundance to yourself and your life. This will allow you to take advantage of these divine moments of redirection, seize the opportunities that call to your soul, and simply do what brings you the most joy. As you live the life you love, you will naturally be drawn to even greater opportunities—and also gain some of the clarity you desire.

Pisces August 12

To make your divine dreams come true, Pisces, you must never give up hope of making them a reality. The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio on Monday, August 12 highlights your need to recommit to your dreams and be alert to any potential opportunities or changes. Scorpio rules your house of luck, so during this time, you might receive a travel offer or even a new path could open up in your life. But if you lose hope or only see all the work you have left to do, you may miss out. Instead, trust the work you have done and your intuition, because you are exactly where you are meant to be. The rewards you have worked for are coming. You just have to promise yourself to never give up hope or your commitment to achieving success in your soul.

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