Zodiac Signs

The Luckiest Day Of The Month For Each Zodiac Sign In November 2024

The end of an era always leads to the beginning of a new, abundant era. The luckiest day of the month for each zodiac sign in November 2024 offers a unique chance to truly let go of what no longer resonates so you can live your biggest, most abundant life.

November 2024 is an extremely profound month of transition thanks to Pluto spending its final weeks in Capricorn before moving into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19. This is Pluto’s last stay in Capricorn for the next 250 years, and it represents a changing of the guard in your own life. You are no longer bound by tradition or expectations but instead are encouraged to release anything in your life that is not part of the dream you have committed to manifest.

While there are other important energies in November, such as the Scorpio New Moon on Friday, November 1, and Saturn stationing direct in Pisces on Friday, November 15, the month ahead will be dominated by Pluto making a dramatic shift from Capricorn to Aquarius, where it will remain for the next two decades.

The Scorpio New Moon will serve as your welcome mat for the new month, helping you shed that tenuous eclipse portal energy and embrace a greater understanding and deeper meaning of the events that have been happening in your life. By connecting with your inner feelings, Mars in Leo starting Sunday, November 3rd will help you put your desires into action and learn not to hesitate to declare that this is not only the beginning of a new era, but that you are destined to achieve everything you dream of.

Venus, the planet of finances and romance, will slide into earthy and practical Capricorn on Monday, November 11, grounding you in pragmatism and helping you focus more strategically on attracting greater wealth into your life. Then, as Saturn stations in Pisces on Friday, November 15, you’ll feel greater clarity in the process and embrace the lessons this period is meant to teach.

As Pluto makes this monumental shift into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, you’ll be ready to seize the opportunity the universe has presented to make this new chapter everything you’ve ever wanted, because you’ll know in your soul that you weren’t meant for anything less.


Luckiest day of the month for Aries: Friday, November 15

The more you see how things are going for you, the more you will be able to seize the opportunities that arise, dear Aries. As major changes occur in your professional life due to Pluto moving into the final degrees of Capricorn, make sure you are not working for anyone else’s dream but your own. If something is taken away from your life during this time, consider it a blessing and try to orient yourself towards what resonates most with your soul.

On Monday, November 11, once Venus enters Capricorn, you may find a new career path or finally feel like you’ve reached the turning point you’ve been working toward. As you learn to trust redirections, the Taurus full moon on Friday, November 15 closes an old chapter and opens a new one of financial beginnings so you can fully invest in the life of your dreams.


Luckiest day of the month for Taurus: Monday, November 11

Nothing is stopping you from taking advantage of new opportunities and new beginnings this November, Taurus. While there may still be some obstacles or restrictions you need to overcome before you finally feel free to follow your soul, once Venus moves into Capricorn on Monday, November 11, you’ll be blessed with the universe’s good fortune.

Venus rules the themes of love, money, and even real estate. So, entering into a new relationship during this time, receiving a positive wealth opportunity, traveling, or even moving are all possibilities. You have done the work to prepare yourself to take more risks and start listening to yourself more.

Remember that it is safe to take risks, especially if they resonate with your soul because that is the purpose of everything you have been through recently. Once you find inner security, you can let go of what is holding you back so that you can make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.


Luckiest day of the month for Gemini: Tuesday, November 19

As you begin a new era in your life, Gemini, there’s no better time than now to fully immerse yourself in it. Pluto enters Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, beginning a 20-year stay in your house of luck and new beginnings. This will be a time of profound transformation that will allow you to live your best life. While you may be called to identify more of your truth, this period is really about spiritual evolution and growing into the person you were meant to become.

You may decide to go back to school during this time, or even start teaching as part of this journey. As you begin to feel the energies of newness entering your life, you need to become more aware of what resonates with your inner truth. You will need to listen to yourself more to tap into the good fortune and realize that you are already free to live and explore the life you desire – you just need to stop waiting for permission to do so.


Luckiest day of the month for Cancers: Friday, November 15

The universe never tries to make life difficult for you, Cancer, but sometimes you need some space to figure out what’s most important to you. Since Saturn went retrograde in Pisces on June 29, you’ve been in a period of reflection on the choices you’ve made for your life. This includes the opportunities you’ve taken, but especially the ones you haven’t.

Now that Saturn is ruling its stations, ending its retrograde period in Pisces on Friday, November 15, you will feel a surge of clarity and the confidence to take your life in an exciting new direction. It will take commitment and work on your part, but the results will be that you will not only end up creating that abundant life you have always dreamed of, but you will also develop one with a higher purpose.


Luckiest day of the month for Leos: Friday, November 15

It’s often hard to remember that it takes time to get the results you want, Leo. This is especially true in your career where you feel like you’ve been working hard without getting the recognition or promotion you were hoping for. Part of your journey has been learning not to give up, but also learning how to work better with others to achieve your dreams and success.

As you have accepted the lessons that have arisen, you are now in a position to finally receive the rewards as the Taurus Full Moon culminates on Friday, November 15. The Taurus Full Moon offers a brilliant time in your career where you can reap the rewards of your efforts and finally land that new job, receive that promotion, or simply feel that you are finally being seen as the highly skilled and valuable person that you are.


Luckiest day of the month for Virgos: Friday, November 15

While it’s the journey and not just the destination that matters, Virgo, that doesn’t mean you’re not still hoping for a moment of fruition where you can finally enjoy everything you’ve worked to achieve. The Taurus Full Moon rises in your house of luck on Friday, November 15, allowing you to finally see the results of everything you’ve invested in. This energy requires that you take the time to plan for the success you desire, but once you do, it also provides the fertile space for it to fully blossom.

You may be launching a particular product at this time or finally embarking on that trip you have been planning. One thing is for sure: this is the moment you have been waiting for. Make sure you allow yourself to live this moment instead of just looking at what comes next, especially if you are traveling, because it is about realizing that you deserve to enjoy your life, not just work for it.


Luckiest day of the month for Libra: Friday, November 1st

It’s time to invest fully in yourself, dear Libra. Everything you think or dream of requires all of your energy to come to fruition. You may need to become more independent rather than simply waiting for others to make a move or relying on their expertise. Having the confidence and ability to do so when the Scorpio New Moon occurs on Friday, November 1st is essential.

Scorpio rules all matters of truth and represents your self-worth and finances. Investing fully in yourself at this time will bring you significant rewards. Think about what you want to start during this time, especially within the themes of aligning your life with your worth or achieving greater financial independence. Rather than waiting for someone else to make your dream a reality, this is your sign to go out and do it for yourself.


Luckiest day of the month for Scorpio: Sunday, November 3

Even though you’re probably tired of being patient, Scorpio, it would be good to remember that you can’t rush what’s planned for you. This month marks the beginning of a longer journey that will continue until June 2025, so you won’t realize the results and purpose of this period right away.

This new journey begins when Mars enters Leo on Sunday, November 3, activating your house of career. Despite the need for patience, you can seize opportunities and shifts as they arise. As Mars retrogrades on December 6, this journey will be longer.

However, that’s not the end of the story. Once Mars goes direct, it will return to Leo on April 18, 2025, where it will remain until June 17, 2025. It won’t be until next April-June that the purpose of November 2024 will become clear, so it’s crucial to hold space as the universe guides you through the process that will lead you to your most abundant and successful life—and the career you’re meant to have.


Luckiest day of the month for Sagittarius: Sunday, November 3

You’re about to experience an incredibly lucky and profound month, dear Sagittarius. Mars enters Leo on Sunday, November 3, lighting up your luck sector and staying there until January.

This will be a time for you to focus on the decisions you have made for your life as well as the ones you are considering. A new path awaits you – you just need some time to process it before you can take action to make your dreams come true. During this process, the small decisions you make will be even stronger, helping you see that it is not only the key moments in life that matter most but also what you choose for yourself each day.

Venus will also enter Capricorn on November 11, in your house of finances, so you’ll likely also be focusing on how to generate new income through new opportunities. Try to honor your inner desires for what you dream for yourself and your life, knowing that you deserve to choose yourself in every moment.


Luckiest day of the month for Capricorn: Tuesday, November 19

There’s no point in trying to avoid change, Capricorn, especially since it’s meant to help you achieve your most abundant and soul-aligned life. Pluto enters Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, beginning its period of transformation in your house of self-worth, value, and money.

Pluto is known as the alchemist, as it often takes your greatest challenges or wounds and transforms them into your greatest blessing. You will experience profound changes in your life during this time, especially since planetary energy is felt most intensely in the early degrees of a zodiac sign.

Approach this time as an opportunity to learn something new, to demand that your salary matches your self-worth, and to allow yourself to see that no matter what you have been through in life, you still deserve success, fulfillment, and love. You may be prompted to reflect on some self-healing themes, but this is only so that you can finally understand that you truly deserve the best and most abundant life.


Luckiest day of the month for Aquarius: Friday, November 1st

Positive developments are taking root in your life, Aquarius. This new shift will begin with the Scorpio New Moon on Friday, November 1 in your house of career, but will intensify when Saturn heads directly in Pisces, highlighting your finances on November 15.

Think about where in your professional life you feel the need or desire for a fresh start. This may not be a new role, but rather an evolution of a current position. With Saturn direct in Pisces, it is also likely that you will see an increase in income or receive a bonus for your past work.

The more you can meet your need for professional growth, the easier it will be for you to receive the positive events that will occur in November. Open yourself to receiving the new beginnings and changes that will allow you to progress to the next level of your career, knowing in your soul that you are precisely where you are meant to be.


Luckiest day of the month for Pisces: Saturday, November 2

As you begin the month, it’s important to understand that you’re still in a time of immense personal transformation, dear Pisces. Much of this energy is changing the way the world sees you, and much of that has to do with your professional life and soul purpose.

Mercury will enter Sagittarius on Saturday, November 2, activating your career sector, but it will be retrograde on November 25. While this is about receiving new offers and opportunities, it can also be about changing the way you present yourself to the world and in your workplace.

Allow yourself to receive abundant offers, engage in productive conversations, or even submit job applications if you’re looking to make changes, but hold off on making a final decision until December 15, when Mercury moves directly in Capricorn until January 8, 2025. This is a time to receive, reflect, and make changes, so that after December 15, you can trust yourself enough to know what to say yes to.

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