Zodiac Signs

The New Moon In Virgo In September 2023 Will Be The Luckiest For These 4 Zodiac Signs

Autumn is quickly approaching, and the sun traveling through Virgo, sheds light on various aspects of our lives, from personal habits to daily affairs. As this season looms, it’s time to think about what you want to create and grow. Do you have any personal improvement goals in mind? If you’re wondering how the September 2023 New Moon in Virgo will impact your star sign, be prepared to welcome one of the most productive and supportive moon phases we’ve seen in some time.

The new moon always has a special meaning, marking not only the start of a new lunar cycle but also an opportunity to pause, reflect, and refocus. Each month, when the sun and the moon come together in the same zodiac sign, it creates a special moment. The sun symbolizes our ego and our physical reality, while the moon represents our deep emotions and our inner landscape. When these two stars combine, it is as if we received a celestial blank page, hence the importance of starting this new chapter well.

This month’s new moon, scheduled for September 15 at 3:39 a.m. in France, will occur at 21 degrees Virgo. With Virgo, an earth sign known for its attention to detail, this luncheon will highlight themes related to health, mindfulness, organization, and daily routines, among others.

Even if these aspects are not everyone’s main strength, they deserve special attention to maximize productivity and creativity. To better understand the impact of this new moon, it is useful to check in which astrological house the 21st degree of Virgo is located in your natal chart because this is where the energy of this new beginning will be concentrated.


The September new moon is beneficial in many ways for you, providing an opportunity to reset your daily life while presenting you with new perspectives that may lead to unexpected discoveries.

Whether in your personal or professional life, take this opportunity to get yourself back in order, both mentally and physically. The new moon forms a harmonious aspect, a trine, with Uranus, the planet of freedom, in your astrological second house linked to comfort, finances, and the search for stability.

This will invite you to reflect on your current habits: are they aligned with your values? How can you maintain your productivity while still enjoying the sensual pleasures of life?


Do you feel like your mind is cluttered, dear Cancer? If so, the new moon will offer a solution to this situation. The moon will take place in Virgo in your third house of communication and the immediate environment, allowing you to organize, structure, and simplify things in this area of ​​your life.

This also goes for those of you looking to learn new skills or strategize for your future career plans. Additionally, the new moon will form a harmonious aspect with rebellious Uranus in your eleventh house, that of associations, community activities, and future aspirations. Don’t close the door to new ideas or collaborations, as they could lead to unexpected breakthroughs.


Happy new moon, dear Virgo natives! This opportunity is particularly promising for you, and it is not only thanks to Mercury, your ruling planet, which will become direct again.

It’s quite rare for the sun and moon to come together in your sign, so take advantage of this opportunity to make a wish, whether it’s mental, physical, or spiritual. You get a fresh start and a clean slate to start again.

Perhaps you are considering a major transformation? Either way, this new moon will also form a harmonious aspect with revolutionary Uranus in your ninth house, linked to expansion and your belief systems.

If you feel a call to take a calculated risk, don’t resist that impulse. Some of you might even question your traditional beliefs, as an unconventional approach could bring you unexpected benefits.


The new moon will highlight areas of your partnerships, joint ventures, and shared resources. It will influence your eighth house, which deals with debts, taxes, and mutual agreements, providing the opportunity to simplify and streamline processes in the future.

Some of you might also use this time to reflect on the dynamics of your intimate relationships, to strengthen your sense of security.

On the other hand, the moon will form a harmonious aspect with Uranus, the champion of freedom (which is also your modern ruling planet), in your fourth house linked to family foundations, emotions, and family. This could lead to changes in your personal life but unexpectedly and excitingly.

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