Zodiac Signs

The two-faced zodiac signs. Find out who is talking behind your back!

Do you have vices that you can’t get rid of, even though you want to and try your hardest? Here’s why you can’t give up some bad habits and you’ll be able to approach the situation differently!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

It’s hard for you to break your bad habits because you tend to be quite impulsive. Even if you are very determined to give them up, somehow you end up giving in to temptation every time.

So while you may take firm steps to break bad habits or give them up for a while, you always end up right back where you left off.

Pride can make you want to hide your failure from others or even dismiss it as if you don’t even care.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

It’s hard for you to give up some bad habits because you prefer instant gratification. If you don’t see positive results within a week, then what’s the point? This is especially true if other people tell you about their struggle and tell you how hard it is.

You could also face difficulties because you can be very lazy at times. Why go through the effort of giving up something you enjoy, even if you know it’s harmful? You know this way of thinking can be dangerous, but you also don’t always have the motivation to follow through on your promise to change.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

There are times when you really want to succeed. You might think you’re in for a long haul, until you realize just how long it really is. Then you start to compromise and give in little by little. For example, today I eat something sweet, and tomorrow I don’t touch sugar at all. A dangerous game.

If you’re going to kick the bad habit and stick it out, you need accountability. You work much better in a team, and there’s something motivating about having someone on your side fighting for the same goal as you. It can really get you excited to put in more effort.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Everyone has at least one bad habit they struggle with, and you are no exception. But being kind of the wounded mother of the zodiac means you often put your own needs aside to take care of others. That assumes you’re far too busy to try to let go of your vices.

Because you’re so preoccupied with making sure everyone else in your life is making good decisions, you don’t take any responsibility for yourself and don’t have time to improve. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

The reason why you cannot give up bad habits is your tendency to be exaggerated and excessive in everything. You love to feel good, and it shows when you look at how little progress you’ve made on your journey to kick your vices.

You seem to have a hard time finding the perfect balance between too much and too little. Completely giving up a food is not for everyone, but eating it until you get sick is not a solution either. It will take some time to figure out what works for you, give yourself time to work out the kinks!

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

When you think about breaking a bad habit, you do a lot of research beforehand. You take notes, read other people’s success stories, and determine the steps you need to take to succeed. The one thing you don’t prepare for is the chaos otherwise known as real life.

You can do everything by the book, but when it comes to life, everything becomes unpredictable. The main reason it’s hard for you to break your bad habits is because if your plans aren’t perfect, you give up.

You don’t give yourself room to evolve or make mistakes, which means you’re setting yourself up for failure every time.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The main reason why you can’t give up bad habits is that you have a hard time finding balance. You’re not sure what works for you, so you spend a lot of time looking for that perfect harmony between give and take.

You also tend to be the all-or-nothing kind of person. If you decide to continue with these bad habits, you are completely indulging. If you want to quit, quit once and for all.

It might be a better idea to take things slowly, but you’re not very good at it. It can take a long time to find your balance, but if you don’t start to change something, it’s unlikely you’ll get there anytime soon.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

You are a special case. At first, you may be reluctant to give up bad habits at first because you’re afraid of failure. But, you may also be afraid of succeeding. You are not sure what the future holds when you start this journey and this can be scary for you.

What if you actually succeed? What happens if you don’t? You don’t know what to believe and the experiences of others trying to break their own bad habits are not very encouraging. You have a hard time accepting that quitting can be difficult, and that’s the only thing that can keep you from trying. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

You have bad habits just like all of us, but when you really want to break them, you try your hardest to do it.

You can break a bad habit many times before it becomes permanent. However, don’t worry, because you don’t give up and you know that in the end you will succeed.

You know it can take some time to learn from your mistakes and try new strategies. With you, it’s not that you can’t give up a vice, it’s that it can take a long time to get to where you want to be in life.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

You like to live by a certain set of rules. You believe that guidelines and rules exist to help people.

Sometimes you find yourself trying to get others to do things by the book, but what you forget is that everyone’s path and journey is different. What works for someone else may not work for you and vice versa.

What you need most is someone to keep you grounded and on track. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

You may be an independent person, but when it comes to kicking a bad habit or vice, you’d rather have others do it with you. They don’t have to give up the same habit as you, but just knowing you’re not alone helps keep you motivated.

Another reason why it’s hard for you to break bad habits is that you may not necessarily think of them as bad.

You may convince yourself that your habit is not as harmful as others. It’s complicated, and until you stop twisting the truth, you will continue to fail.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

The main reason why it is difficult for you to give up a bad habit is the tendency to make too many sacrifices. Instead of taking things slow, you want to say stop way too fast.

You also tend to blame others for your habits instead of taking responsibility for yourself. If you’re out with your friends, you might not say no to another round of drinks, but you’ll blame them for making you drink too much.

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