Zodiac Signs

The Week Of July 8th Will Bring Major Changes In Relationships For 3 Zodiac Signs

Express your thoughts, not your fears. The astrological energy of the week of July 8, 2024, will bring significant changes in romantic and social relationships for three zodiac signs. Being attentive to this energy and knowing how to manage it can help alleviate conflicts.

Venus enters Leo on Thursday, July 11. While this strengthens your desires and gives you a certain boldness, it can also make you more prone to arguments. This will be especially true on Friday, July 12, when Venus opposes retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. You may have trouble distinguishing between your current triggers and old wounds.

While it’s natural to think that a breakup or separation can protect you from heartbreak, you don’t have to avoid your inner work. Try to hold space for what feels uncomfortable, and practice mindfulness so you don’t find yourself isolated this week—and regretful next week.

1. Aquarius

Although you should listen to your inner voice, Aquarius, not all of your feelings may be based on current events.

Pluto is currently retrograde in your sign, which, while necessary, isn’t helping your romantic or social relationships because it’s bringing out all the emotional mud buried within you. With Venus in Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius, you could be so triggered that your first instinct is to run away—but that may not be the best long-term solution.

Recently, events in your relationships have involved boundaries and planning for the future. While your desires for connection are real, these events are not just about this relationship but are bringing to the surface everything you have experienced in the past. The goal is to respond differently through healing, but this does not involve running away as you often do.

Although you have been prompted to have this important conversation for some time, the week of July 8th is not the time. Instead of exploding in pent-up frustrations, use this week to sort through your current, past, and present feelings. Then make a plan for what you need to bring to your partner or friends. This will not only save your relationships but will also help you heal so that you don’t have to deal with this situation in the future.

2. Leo

While it’s important to honor your inner truth, Leo, you also need to understand that not everything can revolve around you, especially in a relationship.

You may be viewing your partner or friends in a negative light, and this is influencing your behavior. Times of difficulty are normal, even in healthy relationships, but those around you are tired of always being seen as the wrong ones.

On Friday, July 12, Venus in Leo will oppose retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, creating conflict and challenges in your relationships. Just because you think you’re right doesn’t mean you are. You tend to see yourself in the best light, but at this point, those close to you are feeling confused and shaken by your actions.

Choose to become more responsible, Leo. Look for what your partners or friends are doing well or their good intentions. Even though you deserve love and recognition, you also need to ground yourself in reality and see that it requires a joint effort.

3. Capricorn

Change is a good thing, Capricorn, but remember this during the week of July 8. As an earth sign, change is not as easily accepted as it is for other signs, due to your stable nature.

Relationships are meant to grow and evolve, but if you continue to force your way, especially with Venus entering Leo on Thursday, July 11, you could find yourself isolated. Venus rules relationships, but in Leo, she asks you to embrace change and surrender to the process at hand.

You have an incredible ability to achieve your goals, Capricorn, but your loved ones are not goals to achieve, but people to collaborate with. Just because you think your way of progressing is the best doesn’t mean it is. The more you resist change, the more you push away your loved ones.

Try to ground yourself by listing your desires and plans. Then make another list of what your loved ones want or opportunities for change that have arisen. See where there may be intersections and compromises.

You don’t want to get into an unnecessary fight, but you also don’t want to lose your relationships just because you weren’t flexible enough to see that a better plan might exist.

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