Zodiac Signs

These 3 Zodiac Signs Should Prepare For The Impact Of Mercury Retrograde

A reunion with an ex could be imminent. From August 4 to 28, Mercury, the planet of communication, will be in retrograde, which can lead to various logistical issues and misunderstandings as it retraces its final journeys through the zodiac. This retrograde begins in detail-focused Virgo, but it will then return to more theatrical Leo about halfway through its journey.

This means that it will activate several aspects of each person’s astrological charts. As a result, you may feel its effects more intensely, especially if you belong to the zodiac signs most affected by this retrograde.

During its retrograde, Mercury will make significant connections that will shake things up for all zodiac signs. On August 7, Mercury will align with the planet of love, Venus, in Virgo, which could help you reunite with an ex or rekindle romantic thoughts about the past.

Things will get particularly intense after Mercury returns to Leo, with a cazimi on August 18, when Mercury will be in exact conjunction with the Sun. The following day, these two celestial bodies will form a T-square with the full moon in Aquarius and the unpredictable planet Uranus, which could lead to some emotional chaos around this lunation. So it is advisable to remain cautious because it will be easier to avoid cosmic unforeseen events if you are careful.

With such intense planetary aspects throughout Mercury’s retrograde this month, it’s set to be an eventful time. Certain zodiac signs will feel these effects even more acutely.

Read on to find out if you need to take any special precautions during this retrograde over the next few weeks.

1. Gemini

As a Gemini, you are particularly sensitive to the effects of the retrograde of Mercury, your ruling planet. This period will be particularly marked for you. The retrograde begins in your fourth house, linked to private life, family matters, and childhood memories. Until mid-August, you could relive old family dramas or emotions from the past. Take advantage of it to resolve these issues and make necessary clarifications.

Starting August 14, Mercury will enter your communications sector, where it could cause some unpleasantness such as problems with texting, work emails, or misunderstandings during casual conversations. Be sure to be precise and clear in your exchanges during this time.

On August 24, at the end of the retrograde, Mercury will form a harmonious conjunction with Mars in your sign. This is an excellent time to bring an idea you had in mind to fruition or to reconnect with someone you have lost touch with.

2. Leo

This retrograde begins during your birthday season, which means if you have any celebrations planned in August, make sure all the details are well communicated and leave some room for contingencies.

From August 14th, Mercury will return to your sign, which will further intensify its effects on you. This is the ideal time to reevaluate your current projects and check if your goals are really in line with what you feel deep inside.

A key moment in this retrograde will occur on August 18, when the Sun and Mercury form a conjunction called cazimi. This point can bring valuable clarity on themes that have been revealed so far, as well as intellectual breakthroughs.

The following day, the full moon in your relationship sector will also activate Mercury, bringing underlying issues to the surface in unexpected ways. Prepare yourself for unforeseen situations and use this opportunity to tie up loose ends once and for all.

3. Virgo

As a Virgo, you are particularly sensitive to the effects of Mercury retrograde, your ruling planet. This time, the impact will be even more pronounced, as Mercury will be retrograde in your sign until August 14.

As this retrograde coincides with the first week of your birthday season, pay attention to the details of your plans and think carefully before expressing yourself throughout the month.

A key moment of this retrograde will be on August 7, when Mercury forms a conjunction with Venus in your sign. This alignment will allow you to reevaluate your values ​​and could also present an opportunity to rekindle an old relationship.

This is a great time to reconnect with an ex or make a gesture of reconciliation toward someone you’d like to reconnect with.

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