Zodiac Signs

These 3 Zodiac Signs Tolerate An Affair

Cheating in a relationship is a serious breach of trust. The partnership is put to the test after a slip-up. However, some signs of the zodiac tolerate an affair.

Very few people admit it, but studies show that it happens again and again: around half of all women or men are said to have cheated in a relationship. An affair can quickly end a relationship. According to the horoscope, however, there are three signs of the zodiac that tolerate a slip-up and would never break up despite the breach of trust.

These zodiac signs would not separate from their partner


In a relationship, Scorpios call the shots and like to be in control. If they have been cheated on by their partner, their world will initially fall apart – but they would never separate from their partner and would decide to continue the relationship. There is a reason for this: if their partner apologizes and makes them feel guilty, Scorpios regain control of their relationship.


Pisces are very hurt when they are cheated on and their partner allows them to be carried away by an affair. They would then leave their partner, but they cannot. They lack the courage and strength to do so. And so they want to continue the relationship despite the slip-up. Especially because Pisces wants to present a perfect image to the outside world – especially to family and friends. Nevertheless, they will never forget their partner’s affair.


Taurus is very loyal – especially to his partner. It is therefore somewhat surprising that this star sign would tolerate his partner having an affair. Although he is very hurt and it takes a certain amount of time before he can trust his unfaithful partner again – he would not leave his love and would give the relationship another chance. Only if his partner has another affair would he consider calling it quits.

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