Zodiac Signs

These 3 Zodiac Signs Want A Friendship Plus

A friendship with certain benefits: This trend has become increasingly popular in recent years. Because more and more people have a plus friendship and sometimes end up in bed. Because they would rather not want something serious like a relationship. According to the horoscope, this particularly applies to some zodiac signs.

Not everyone feels comfortable in a relationship, but at the same time, you don’t want to constantly look for dates. That’s why for some, Friendship Plus is probably the best option. The Friends with Benefits principle is becoming increasingly popular because it involves no obligations. And some zodiac signs seem to particularly want this.

These 3 zodiac signs have nothing against friendship plus


Gemini is not exactly known for his willingness to make decisions – which is why it is difficult for him to get involved in a relationship. But the fun shouldn’t be neglected and they love their freedom without being tied down. That’s why the zodiac sign wants a friendship with a fun factor. Gemini has no pressure and all options remain open – this is the best option for the zodiac sign!


Sagittarius loves independence. Nevertheless, he is not averse to a relationship – but the right person has to come along. And until then, a friendship with certain benefits is optimal. They love talking to interesting people, but they also like to end up in bed with them. Sagittarius people are known for their openness – that’s the perfect prerequisite for a plus friendship!


Aquarius has a fairly large circle of friends. This is mainly due to their open and relaxed nature and is therefore very popular. And of course: the flirting options are huge! A relationship wouldn’t be her thing because the zodiac sign feels too restricted and he doesn’t want to give up his relaxed lifestyle. But a friendship plus would be just right for Aquarius! The focus should be on fun.

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