Zodiac Signs

These Zodiac Signs Will Be Betrayed This Week: Extreme Disappointment Awaits Them

Which Zodiac Signs Will Be Betrayed Next Week?

The energies of the planets promise to be harmful to three signs of the zodiac in particular. They will cause anger and disappointment throughout the next week, testing the confidence of these signs.


The atmosphere will be tense at home this week for the natives of Gemini. This Air sign, who has been encountering many difficulties in his professional life since the beginning of the month, will have to prepare to face tensions within his couple. His prolonged absence could indeed affect his love life and result in arguments with his partner or one of his family members. And that’s not all! Gemini is likely to discover lies and secrets that risk destabilizing the foundations of their relationship. He will therefore have to face this reality in the coming days rather than confining himself. The Gemini may be also confronted with games of manipulation at his place of work which could embark him on disproportionate projects. One thing is certain, conversations with others will be very difficult for the next few days. He will nevertheless be able to count on the planets which will invite him to give the best of himself and to show wisdom to restore the situation, whether professionally or personally. His irresistible charm and his magnetism will be qualities that could help him fix everything…


Virgo is one of the unlucky signs of love this week. The natives of this sign could be particularly jealous of their partner. They could spend their time observing their actions very closely. Unfortunately, their suspicions will be well-founded! This Earth sign will have to be patient and strong to face a betrayal in love. Fortunately, thanks to the stars, they will be able to show discernment to engage in an open-hearted discussion. If they manage to control their emotions, they will have a good chance of saving their relationship. The natives of Virgo who have a long-standing relationship with their partner will be led to engage in profound transformations in their love life. They will also receive a signal from the planets that will invite them to let go and take the time necessary to reflect on their own emotional needs.


The week will also be intense for the sign of Scorpio.  This Water sign could indeed push his partner to withdraw from their relationship. After ignoring their expectations and feelings for too long, their partner could hold a grudge and strain Scorpio’s emotions. This zodiac sign will be surprised to discover a lie, a betrayal, or an unfair act towards him. But the latter will not feel responsible for this distance. If he has not been attentive to the needs of his partner, it is also partly because of his neglectful behavior. Indeed, Scorpio believes that they do not always receive the same energy in return and always feel obliged to make efforts to maintain the durability of a relationship. Moreover, the disappointing behavior of his partner will not encourage him to rekindle the flame within his couple. He will instead focus on his career and his ambitions. He could, moreover, make some great discoveries this week. A new romantic connection could highlight his true personality.

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