Zodiac Signs

This Astrological Sign Is The Most Perfectionist

With him, if it’s not perfect, it’s a no-brainer. This astrological sign wins (hands down) the medal for the most perfectionist of the zodiac. For better or for worse.

No, we won’t talk about Sagittarius or Pisces here. One is a fan of “put a little ganache on the side of the cake and it’ll be fine like that”, the other a champion of an artistic blur. And it’s not us who say it, it’s the astrology books. The definitions of each constellation of the zodiac include the qualities and defects of a sign. What if the same characteristic was both its best asset and its heaviest burden? This is the case of perfectionism, the cross that this astrological sign carries. And it carries it perfectly perpendicular to the ground, thank you very much.

Which astrological signs are most applied?

Some members of the zodiac put a particular zeal into everything they do. This is the case, for example, of Scorpio, who is always very concerned about authenticity. If he promised a cake, he dives head first into research on the subject, from the origins to the compositions of the different types of flour. In short: his perfectionism is mainly due to his great emotional investment. He is all in. All the time. And he sticks to it. For Taurus, for example, it is something else again. He too could be called a perfectionist, but rather because he stubbornly sticks to certain details. Small everyday objects, their place, everything must be as he has decided. A bit stubborn, he insists on differentiating a burgundy red from a wine red at all costs. This Earth sign feels reassured by habits, hence his very scrupulous side. Especially on decoration. And food. And household linen. In short, you get the picture. But these two are just silver and bronze medals of zodiac perfectionism.

Here is the most meticulous of all astrological signs.

The winner is, of course, Virgo. Why her? Not only because she was born at the start of the school year and inherits a bit of a schoolgirl side. Even if, originally, her birth season has something to do with it. The mythological figure of “Virgin of the Ears” represents the time of the harvest, a painful and tedious job. Harvesting, sorting grain, storing, and forecasting for the winter: Virgo represents a time of year when there is very little room for error. Even her leading planet reinforces her perfectionist side. Mercury, the fastest of the planets, is the symbol of intellect. Virgo may be a pragmatic and practical Earth sign, but inside, things are flying. The type to overthink everything, the sign represents the thirst to understand and dissect everything. A sense of observation, analysis, and detail is an integral part of Virgo’s temperament.

Let’s add another layer: the 6th house to which it is attached is the domain of an astral theme that represents the tasks of daily life, routine, and health. Subjects on which the sign of Virgo does not procrastinate. For all these reasons, it is said that the natives of the new school year are very picky. Which makes them reliable people as well as excellent scientists, planners or craftsmen. But beware of the nasty flaw of Virgo: perfectionism which paralyzes or makes them ultra-critical and never satisfied with themselves.

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