Zodiac Signs

This Is Your Weekly Horoscope For November 6-12.

They told us what Taurus will have to learn this week, how Cancers should behave, and what tactics other signs should follow.


Love. Aries need to devote time to their feelings – be it love for the object of their affection, children, or creativity. Harmony in relationships will give you strength and allow you to enjoy the joys of life. Inspiration will help you move forward in creating, if not a masterpiece, but a worthy work in which you can express yourself. It is also important for representatives of the sign not to ignore their health this week; the period in this regard will be unstable: exacerbations of chronic diseases and sudden mood changes are likely.

Lucky days: 06.11, 08.11


Family. Taurus will fully understand the meaning of the phrase “Happiness loves silence.” Relationships with household members will be so unpredictable this week that it will be difficult to respond to their complaints or praise promptly. Conflicts can only be avoided through Taurus’ restraint and ability to remain silent in time: these qualities will not allow negative trends to grow. Also, those born under these constellations should not get married or sign agreements in the next seven days: the parties will not be able to comply with the agreements recorded on paper.

Lucky days: 07.11, 08.11


News. The week will give Gemini what they value most – information. Perhaps new information will help you properly communicate with relatives, colleagues, or neighbors. Perhaps this will be associated with training that will be beneficial in the future and significantly improve the quality of life. The emotionality of the representatives of the sign will at times go off-scale: loved ones will help you cope with this, so you should not refuse their sympathy and advice.

Lucky days: 06.11, 9.11


Finance. At the beginning of the week, money can become the main reference point for Dancers and will set the tone for their mood. If there are not enough of them, representatives of the sign will plunge into an anxious state. If, on the contrary, finances come in larger volumes than usual, they will begin to spend them thoughtlessly. In the second case, to avoid unnecessary purchases, it is better to wait until the end of the week – by this time the priorities will become clear. Cancer should pay more attention to his surroundings: envious people and secret rivals may appear and begin to weave intrigues behind their backs. Vigilance will help avoid meanness on their part.

Lucky days: 08.11, 12.11


Worldview. This week, Leos will be able to gain new experiences by going on a long journey: not necessarily a long one. If this is not possible now, then studying the desired direction online will help to recharge your emotions. Also, the coming days for Leos can be successful in the context of improving their professional skills. A stressful situation may arise when you have to choose between home and career. Most likely, work will win this time, because representatives of the sign will have interesting prospects.

Lucky days: 07.11, 10.11


Health. It’s time for Virgos to overcome their fears and doubts and consult with doctors about the symptoms that bother them. Perhaps a specialist will prescribe procedures that will not cause much delight. But treatment is in any case better than inaction. Also this week, Virgos will want to spend more time in solitude: listen to their well-being, and relax more. This kind of self-care will protect you from worries and nervous exhaustion.

Lucky days: 07.11, 11.11


Friends. Friends during this period will contribute to the fame of Libra in professional circles. Friends can recommend representatives of the sign for profitable projects. In the process of this activity, Libra will certainly acquire useful acquaintances. Representatives of the sign who have problems with real estate will successfully resolve them this week.

Lucky days: 11/10, 11/11


Career. This week, work moments will not always go smoothly. In a conflict situation, Scorpios should seek understanding and support not from work colleagues and friends, but from management. Don’t be afraid to have a frank conversation with your boss. He will not only tell you what to do but will also listen to the ideas of the representatives of the sign. So a good time is coming to bring long-standing plans to life. Sincerity is what Scorpios need to be guided by to leap forward.

Lucky days: 08.11, 11.11


Studies. Additional education for Sagittarius will be a springboard to interesting opportunities and will increase their authority. Therefore, representatives of the sign should think about which direction is attractive to them in terms of development and start moving in this direction. It will be useful to take proven courses or study the topic on your own. Relationships with loved ones will please you this week. A break from work or study can only be done for the sake of a family vacation.

Lucky days: 11/10, 11/12


Pressure Situations may arise where Capricorns will have to show stubbornness and inflexibility. These qualities will allow representatives of the sign to insist on their own and achieve what they want. Perhaps someone surrounded will even reproach the representatives of the sign for intractability and cruelty, as well as unwillingness to meet people halfway. But you shouldn’t take this to heart; the main thing is to understand how necessary such behavior is. Now is the right time for individual activity: Capricorns will act more confidently alone than in a team.

Lucky days: 08.11, 11.11


Trouble. A good time to prepare a variety of documents, sign contracts, conduct negotiations, and reach cooperation agreements. You can also formalize the relationship. Those who are already married need to spend more time with their partner. The week can recharge Aquarius with excessive impulsiveness, so you will have to be careful in your expressions: any harsh word can be perceived as a challenge.

Lucky days: 09.11, 10.11


Obligations. Pisces who have debts need to pay at least part of them. It is important for representatives of the sign who are debt-free not to lose this status. Also, this week life will present Pisces with a test of maturity: they will need to resolve a difficult situation related to their relatives. You will be able to pass the “exam” if you build an action plan and do not violate it.

Lucky days: 09.11, 12.11

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