Zodiac Signs

This Week Indicates That Doubt Paves The Way To Self-discovery For These 4 Zodiac Signs

You will remember your life’s purpose. Your horoscope for the week of September 17 to 23 brings a breath of fresh air, inviting you to take advantage of the energy and enthusiasm that is emanating.

Now that Venus and Mercury retrograde are behind you, the cosmos moves forward without the complications you’ve been accustomed to. At the start of the week, you’re feeling starved for pleasure and indulgence, as joy-seeking Venus creates a spark with sensual Jupiter in Taurus on September 17. Don’t hesitate to indulge yourself, but keep your limits in mind, because excess can sometimes lead to inconvenience.

Especially, because the sun opposes Neptune on September 19, which can make your goals fuzzy and confusing. However, by being patient, releasing your expectations, and remembering that life is a journey, you can find your true life purpose. Sometimes the key lies in the simple joy of being alive and breathing.

The Virgo Sun forms a trine with powerful and transformative Pluto on September 21, allowing you to use your dark experiences as a source of motivation. When you hit rock bottom, the only direction is up, so remember that your tough times are proof of your ability to survive. Let your resilience remind you of your deep inner strength.

Here’s what you can expect for the coming week, based on your Sun and/or Ascendant sign:

How will the planets affect these 4 zodiac signs this week?


This week, you resolutely walk your path.

The week begins with the sun in Virgo, highlighting your home and family, as it forms a quincunx with the North Node in Aries. You might feel some disagreement with a family member right now, Gemini. You’ve invested time in breaking free from certain family patterns and exploring your path, but someone in your family may not completely understand the direction you’re taking. It may be necessary to have a discussion to clarify your intentions.

Next, the sun opposes Neptune in Pisces, affecting your house of career. Sometimes the first step to manifesting your dream career is to visualize it. Gemini, when you imagine the professional life you want, you send a powerful message to the Universe. This will also make it easier to receive guidance from your angels and guides. Take the time today to visualize the future you want to achieve.


This week you will be on the right track.

The week begins with the sun in Virgo, highlighting your house of finances, as it forms a quincunx with the North Node in Aries. Leo, it would be tempting to make an impulse purchase that doesn’t match your financial goals. You might be lured by a tempting offer or temporary discount, but it’s essential to keep your long-term financial plans in mind before making a major purchasing decision.

Next, the sun opposes Neptune in Pisces, affecting your house of resources. Often the first step to attracting more resources is to believe that it is possible. Leo, it’s not just about dreaming about your final destination, but also considering the concrete steps you need to take to achieve your goals. If you need someone’s help, imagine the conversation you might have with that person. If you’re looking to increase your income, visualize how it could happen.


This week, a new beginning is on the horizon.

The week begins with the sun in Virgo, lighting your house of spirituality while forming a quincunx with the North Node in Aries. Sometimes busy life can push your spiritual practices to the back burner. Libra, this week is good for making time for what you love and which connects you to something larger. These activities may include meditation, journaling, and walks in the park. They are important, and it would be wise to give them priority.

Next, the sun opposes Neptune in Pisces, affecting your house of routines. If you’re having trouble establishing a routine, consider using a symbol to remind yourself of your commitments. Think of the elephant, renowned for its infallible memory. Libra, visualize an elephant walking alongside you.

Whenever you need to remember something, imagine that the elephant is gently touching your shoulder with its trunk. You can even wear an elephant pendant or keep a small elephant figurine on hand. This symbol can help you stay true to your intentions.


This week, new financial opportunities are available to you.

The week begins with the sun in Virgo, lighting your house of relationships, but forming a quincunx with the North Node in Aries. You may be having disagreements with your partner or a close friend at this time.

Pisces, it’s okay to not always agree on everything, but you might experience friction because you feel like their direction is wrong and you can’t come to an agreement. Managing relationships sometimes involves finding a compromise.

Next, the sun opposes Neptune in your sign of Pisces, influencing your house of creativity. To add a touch of magic to your life, consider carrying it with you. You might opt ​​to carry a crystal or keep it in your pocket.

Pisces, perhaps choose clothing displaying alchemical symbols or a bracelet adorned with ancient inscriptions. This week you have the opportunity to embody magic within yourself.

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