Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 10th April 2023


Easter Monday finds you very dynamic. There is a pleasant Moon aspect for you Aries on this day. You will know how to make yourself the protagonist if you meet someone new on the typical trips of this anniversary. You will stand out to someone who has usually high standards.


On this day of outings and meetings, for you Tauruses, the Moon is in the astrological House of Reconstitution… You will be rightly adventurous and can make an acquaintance that casts a positive shadow for the coming weeks. You will also appear athletic and someone will like you.


If you go out for a trip on Easter Monday, be careful not to appear distracted by the needs of your loved one. For your Air sign, an uncomfortable aspect of the Moon continues today. We need to be less superficial and more considerate of the needs of others.


Easter Monday outings find you athletic and worthy of one more look from someone who doesn’t miss out on beautiful people. On your lucky day, the Moon is in the astrological house of exaltation, for Cancer. You will feel admired.


Easter Monday puts a smile on your lips. A pleasant aspect of the Moon continues for Leo today. If you get to know someone today, they will get the impression that you are a precious person, worth keeping close in every context.


On Easter Monday, don’t be touchy if someone doesn’t give you the attention you think you deserve. Today followed a dissonant position of our satellite for Virgo. Someone is indeed getting a little distracted, but give him a chance to reconsider his steps without assaulting him.


Are you ready for a nice hike today? This Easter Monday, for you Librans, there is a positive aspect of the Moon. It makes you adventurous and makes you sympathetic to someone you didn’t expect to meet on this day.


On the day when by definition you get around, you will be well-disposed and your smile will not go unnoticed. An important earning opportunity will emerge from an unexpected discussion. For you Scorpios, our satellite is in the astrological House of Material Goods, today…


This Easter Monday, a tasty conjunction of the nocturnal star continues, for Sagittarius. You can have fruitful talks with people who have excellent ideas that you can apply together. You are friendly and can be spoken to frankly. It’s the best way to gain confidence.


Our satellite is still in the Field of Hidden Adversity for Capricorn today. Beware of a distraction in interpersonal relationships that could ruin your day’s outing. Be respectful to everyone and don’t forget the needs of a sensitive person.


This Monday of the Angel, for you Aquarians a tasty disposition of our satellite continues… You will be nice both to those who already know you and to someone you will meet during the movements of the day of outings. A sporty but chic way of presenting yourself helps you.


Today, for your Water sign, the night star is in a difficult position. Don’t get distracted by Easter Monday excursions: someone wants to communicate something important to you, but you’re not giving them the chance. Try to be more attentive to communication.

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