Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th
On this first day of the weekend, a pleasant aspect of Mercury, the star of intelligence, begins for you Aries… You will want to do something completely new. Luckily, you can easily meet someone who indulges your desire for novelty.


20 April to 20 May
On this first day of the weekend, a tiring position of Mercury, the planet of cunning, begins for Taurus! You will be very idealistic, so much so that not everyone will follow you in your speeches. We need to be more pragmatic in this period. Your loved one wants to feel you closer.


21 May to 21 June
This Saturday, a positive position of your patron star, or Mercury, begins for Gemini… your ability to communicate is on the shields. If you are at work on Saturday, you will be able to assert yourself and obtain a result that until recently was difficult.


22 June to 22 July
Mercury, star of intelligence, is in the astrological house of transformation, for your sign of Water, from this Saturday! A period has therefore come to an end in which it was not easy to be understood others. Now your needs are clear and it’s up to others to respect them!


23 July to 22 August
Mercury opposes your sign. You don’t know where you want to stay. It seems that you have salt on your tail and that every opportunity is good to hypothesize an escape. Be careful not to make your loved one think that they should seriously worry about your presence…


23 August to 22 September
On this first day of the weekend, for you Virgos, Mercury, the star of intelligence, is in the astrological house of momentum! You are very intelligent and you reach your goals faster than usual. A person you really like finds you passionate.


23 September to 22 October
On this weekend day, for you Libras, Mercury, star of Communication, enters a comfortable moment. Your mentality is very open and allows you to approach problems by looking at them from new and productive points of view. If you are at work on Saturday, you will be admired.


23 October to 21 November
Today, a complicated position of the planet of Communication is forming for you Scorpios. You have to be more adaptable. It seems to you that absurd things are being asked of you, at work as in love. Are you sure that you are not the one who is inflexible at this juncture?


November 22nd to December 21st
Starting this Saturday, a comfortable Mercury position is in place for Sagittarius! Your way of speaking is very engaging. One person, in particular, will realize that they have underestimated you and that what you have to say is worth hearing…in many contexts.


22 December to 19 January
For you Capricorns, Mercury, the planet of cunning, is in the house of money, on the day favorable to your sign. You have original ideas, but you shouldn’t keep them to yourself. A partnership can make your business much more profitable, and fun.


20 January to 18 February
The planet of Travel and Communication is in elegant conjunction for you Aquarius, starting from the day that is positive for you. There is good news. In the profession, there is an opportunity to start a new adventure, which would quickly restore the spirit… Even love is renewed.


19 February to 21 March
Starting this Saturday, Mercury is, for you Little Fish, in the House of Secret Enemies! You indeed have a dreamy nature, but on this day it would be appropriate to be more concrete. People close to you think you’re a bit ethereal and unwilling to sacrifice.

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