Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th

For Aries, the Moon is in the House of everyday life. If you dedicate yourself to the ars Amatoria, you will be pleasant. Your day will unfold pleasantly, as far as daily activities are concerned. You can talk to someone interesting who seemed to have vanished.


20 April to 20 May

Scrupulous doing – which allows you to win, at work, in this period – then allows you to achieve many resolutions that are thought unattainable… In any sector of life, especially in affairs of the heart, you will appear simple but pleasant. Knowing it will make you live better.


21 May to 21 June

Why don’t you try to better understand the complexity of situations? Our satellite is in a difficult position as far as you Geminis are concerned. The people you are interested in will certainly find you less conciliatory than normal since you expect to always be right!


22 June to 22 July

You can achieve results that did not appear credible to the rest of the world. An easy position of your Astro protector continues, for you of Cancer, on this day. You will be consistently attentive to detail and can do things reasonably better than others.


23 July to 22 August

Our satellite is, for you Leos, still in the House of Material Goods today. On the subject of money, the opportunity for an interesting collaboration is always present… There will also be interesting ones in other fields, however, not least the one linked to amateur art!


23 August to 22 September

What fear prevents you from taking full advantage of what is happening to you in this period? This Thursday, the serene conjunction of the nocturnal star continues! In all fields of life, professional as well as emotional, the possibility of a useful novelty can be glimpsed.


23 September to 22 October

The Moon transits the House of adversity to overcome on this day. Do not eat disorderly. You may feel your digestive system churn. You have to be careful (even today!) with those who pretend to be close friends with you but, in reality, just want to check your moves.


23 October to 21 November

With your accuracy, you’ll be ready to call the attention of someone you’re getting to know who appears to be of a high standard! The people you are interested in will consider you rather appetizing: you will feel in a good and pleasant state of mind and you will be able to convey it…


November 22nd to December 21st

An uncomfortable lunar position is in progress. The people you care about will find you less compliant than usual since you always try to be right even when you aren’t! It will be good to show a greater overall vision so that you can be incisive as it should be.


22 December to 19 January

You will be ready to attract the attention of someone who is getting to know you and whom some find unattainable! The people you care about will find you diligent and you’ll get compliments not bad, whether you’re dealing with people you like or if you’re at work.


20 January to 18 February

On this day, our satellite is in the astrological House of Change, for Aquarius. For your benefit, but also all the people around you, a relationship that had become boring will unexpectedly become more lively and serene. Cultivate the relationships that matter most.


19 February to 21 March

An uncomfortable position of the nocturnal star is still in progress. Since you aspire to avoid being contradicted, the people you care about will consider you less tolerant than usual… Don’t worry if certain people appear ungrateful. They will know how to be grateful, in due time!

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