Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 14th June 2023


Our satellite is in the astrological house of economies, for your Fire sign today… You are very organized (much more than usual) and can make yourself appreciated in a context in which it is essential to do things in order. Your loved one finds you exciting in the evening.


A beautiful conjunction of the Moon continues, for Taurus, this Wednesday. A completely new period begins in this half month. You will be friendly and you will see people approaching you who you would not have suspected to be interested from a more intimate point of view than expected.


On the day of the week favorable for you, the night star is still in transit, for you Gemini, in the House of secret enemies. Summer is coming, but you are still prone to sore throats. Don’t go from hot to cold! With your loved one, don’t be unnecessarily jealous.


Today, for Cancer, there is still an advantageous transit of your patron star… The people you like the most approach you because they find you friendly and appreciate the fact that you can talk to them without too many frills. Someone, in particular, gives you a half-hearted compliment.


On this day, our satellite is in a dissonant position for your Fire sign! You Leos love to feel observed but, in this period, you may appear a little narcissistic. A person you like might be frightened by the attention you place on yourself…


For your sign, our satellite is at a comfortable moment this Wednesday… In recent weeks, there has been something that has made you rather worried and which, now, finally sees you more relaxed. You’ll know how to feel better with highs and enjoy the second part of the week.


For your sign of Air, the Moon is in the astrological House of Remake today… You will be able to face with a certain patience all the circumstances which usually cause you to lose it. You will know how to win the trust of a person who has difficulty feeling understood.


For Scorpio, an unpleasant position of our satellite persists today… With your partner, you should show that you are more romantic. Today you appear a little materialistic. Put your priorities in order even in the profession: there is a bit ‘of laziness.


Today, for you Sagittarius, our satellite is in the House of Duties. As you go about your usual activities, you will tend to think that you know more than others. You are, indeed, charismatic. Passion can be the protagonist of an afternoon with the person who most attracts you.


In the middle of the week, for you Capricorns, the Moon is in easy time… You are very friendly and you get advice and information that others may not have. Your professional situation improves. In love, passionate words are addressed to you, which please you…


For you, Aquarians, the Moon is in an unpleasant position this Wednesday… Your partner complains about your stubbornness. Don’t be too proud and, if you realize that he might be right, know how to admit your room for improvement. It takes dynamism.


For your Water sign, the Moon is in harmonic aspect in the middle of the week! You are characterized by a certain tranquillity, which is soon pleasantly noticed by your superiors, who appreciate you more. In feelings, we rely more on your words.

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