Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 17th April 2023


A week begins in which you need to have eyes even behind your back. For you, Aries, the Moon is in the astrological house of unforeseen difficulties this Monday… Someone wants to point out your shortcomings to get what you have already got.


The return to the profession sees you as intuitive. You will be able to overcome the anxiety of Monday and obtain excellent results, which are readily recognized by those responsible (although not necessarily explicitly). For your Earth sign, our satellite is in tasty aspect.


It is, fortunately, the last day in which you risk being too sensitive, if someone gets in your way. This beginning of the week, there is a disharmonious aspect of the Moon for you Gemini. Be more connected to reality, however difficult, if you don’t want to appear naive.


Your intuition allows you to get back to work with extra gear. On a favorable day for your sign, for you Cancer, an advantageous disposition of our satellite continues. You will score points in the eyes of those who judge you, and in a natural way, without trying too hard.


Everyday activities resume but, this time, your mood is not negative and, on the contrary, you face the most complex situations with a constructive attitude and even a smile on your lips. The Moon is in the Field of Reorganization for you Leos this Monday…


You are helping someone who, in a professional context, has done nothing to help you, and who may not even appreciate your contribution. A dissonant aspect of the Moon continues, for you Virgos, this beginning of the week… Be smarter.


Start the week again and you will be very skilled not only in the professional environment but also in the family and with friends. At the beginning of the week, the nocturnal star transits the Field of feelings, for Libra. You are credible and can convince someone stubborn.


When you return to work, you will be able to understand the relationships between people before others and you will be able to take advantage of a new relationship. At the beginning of the week, for your Water sign, the night star is in a positive moment… Your special intuition rewards you.


At the beginning of the week, our satellite is in an unpleasant position for you Sagittarius. Don’t be irresponsible if you have to take action to correct something that doesn’t add up. Try to do the right thing even if it costs a little effort, right now…


For you, Capricorns, the nocturnal star is in a favorable moment, at the beginning of the week. Where everyone thinks that going back to the usual tasks is depressing, you will know how to take things in the right direction and achieve important successes, immediately recognized by the bosses.


A new week begins and the chances of making a good impression in the profession are amplified. The night star is in the field of finances, for you Aquarius, at the beginning of the week. What are you waiting for to expect that professional improvement justified by your acumen?


Work resumes and you are in a very good state of mind. A cheerful conjunction of the nocturnal star persists, for you Pisces, at the beginning of the week… There will be memorable moments if you have the foresight to introduce yourself to a person who has intrigued you for some time now.

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