Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th

The pleasant appearance, which makes you excel these days, also grants you to achieve erotic goals that you thought difficult before a few days ago. Both of you work and if you relate to affections and friendships, you will notice that you are considered enterprising and resolute.


20 April to 20 May

The nocturnal star passes through the Transformation Field, as far as you Torelli is concerned… You are in a position to receive very interesting information regarding an aspect of family life, thanks to the fact that the bonds with your relatives are getting closer!


21 May to 21 June

The nocturnal star transits in bad opposition! Don’t worry, if there seem to be problematic vicissitudes: in no time at all, everything will improve. Because you expect to be in ever-changing places, people who trust you will find you, alas, less trustworthy than usual.


22 June to 22 July

The Moon is in an astrological field that gives a great leap to your sign. As far as daily affairs are concerned, you will find yourself focused on practical details and any situation will evolve appreciably. In the moments dedicated to intimate people, you will be very lovable!


23 July to 22 August

For Leo, there is an advantageous aspect of the night star, from this Tuesday. The suggestive poise (which makes it possible for you to stand out in the eyes of those you like) allows you to reach goals that did not seem achievable before this state of grace!


23 August to 22 September

We need to show ourselves to be more practical and less theoretical when we return to work or study. On this day, for you exponents of Virgo, a tiring position of the nocturnal star begins. Since you dream of always staying in new places, someone will think that you don’t know how to make commitments.


23 September to 22 October

You are allowed to benefit from a certain favorable fate, with the support of your positive disposition and your image that everyone admires today! In all that is worthwhile, you will find yourself luckier than the municipality. You can meet new and certainly pleasant people.


23 October to 21 November

Don’t allow apathy to make it impossible for you to take advantage of the remarkable opportunities that are emerging! On the day favorable to your sign, the Moon appears in the astrological house of economies, for your Scorpio exponents. In terms of money, the possibility of a new path opens up…


November 22nd to December 21st

The Moon transits in a pleasant conjunction, for your exponents of Sagittarius. Why don’t you try to take advantage of what happens to you? The opportunity to start something close to your heart is coming, in whatever branch of everyday life you are interested in at this time.


22 December to 19 January

Today, for your Earth sign, the nocturnal star enters the astrological House of Hidden Adversity. Be wary of people who demand they snatch something – or someone – that is only yours! You will get what you deserve even if you find someone who doesn’t take sides for you.


20 January to 18 February

For Aquarius, a smooth position of our satellite starts. With the contribution of your physical appearance, you will not find it difficult to please a type of person that many consider destined for the few because they are demanding. The people you like will get the idea that you are original. The mood improves.


19 February to 21 March

We need to show ourselves as more practical and tangible so that we can be pleasant as – usually – happens. The Moon shows itself in a dissonant position, for the Pesciolini. Employees will think that you are less focused than before the Christmas holidays that have just passed.

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