Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 18th May 2023


Today, our satellite transits the Money Field for your Fire sign. You will be very patient but you will also know how to seize the right moment for a professional opportunity that can make you much more satisfied with your job. In love, there will be passion.


On this day, for you Taurus, there is still a cheerful conjunction of the Moon. Enjoy this moment of excellent communication with a special person, who will appreciate the best features of your sign. Your projects get better in no time.


On this day, for your Air sign, the night star is always in the House of the unconscious. Some could take advantage of your distraction to make themselves look good in the eyes of their superiors. Try not to appear lazy in making up for your shortcomings.


On this day, there is an advantageous moment of your patron star, for you Cancer. Colleagues appreciate your loyalty. You will be able to make every person you like feel at ease, and you will appear attractive to someone who also fascinates you from that point of view.


For Leo, our satellite is always in an unpleasant disposition on this day! To get along with the person you like the most, you need to pay close attention to what he’s saying to you. There will be moments that appear hyper-critical without going too far into the merits.


A favorable position of the nocturnal star continues for Virgo on this day. Continues a period where you can start an important partnership with someone you like. There will be times when you show your talents to superiors, who keep you more in mind.


Libra, the nocturnal star is in the astrological house of reorganization on this day. If someone, in the last few days, had had some doubts about your loyalty, professional as well as sentimental, now he will have the opportunity to change his mind, and maybe apologize.


There is a difficult aspect of the night star for you Scorpions on this day. In love, try to be more rational. You are showing yourself too possessive towards a person who has certainly not shown that he is not close to you in this period. Let her breathe.


For you, Sagittarius, the night star is in the House of Duties, on the lucky day for your sign! The superiors realize that your skills are not common and that you deserve recognition. However, do not leave out life as a couple that can make you happy.


On this day, a positive position of the night star continues, for your Earth sign! It is a case of trying to better organize a task, or a set of tasks, which usually wastes your time. You can revolutionize some boring tasks.


Today, the nocturnal star is in an unpleasant disposition for you Aquarians… Indeed, your efforts are often not recognized. But, in this period, you are the ones who fail to recognize a compliment, in the profession as in the emotional life!


On the day of the week that is favorable for you, for you Pisces, our satellite is in a tasty moment. In the way of presenting you, a certain elegance is deduced. Don’t stand on your own: it’s time to show everyone that you are as refined as a few others these days!

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