Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th

“For you exponents of Aries, the Moon transits in a tiring position, starting today. Why don’t you try to put more diligence into the field? You will notice that you are considered clouded by the bosses; the people you are interested in will feel entitled to ask what makes you confused!”


20 April to 20 May

At this stage, it is easy for you to feel quite wanted by others because of your happy disposition and with the help of your impartial character! You will find that you can receive appreciation in all contexts, complex professional ones!


21 May to 21 June

As for you Geminis, the Moon shows up in the House of Change. There is intriguing news in the family environment, which you will come to know now that the bonds with those who have been closest to you are being strengthened. Some news, in particular, allows you to make a dream come true.


22 June to 22 July

A disharmonious aspect of your star ruler is starting, as far as you Cancers are concerned, today. In every area of ​​everyday life, you expect to challenge, you appear truly incapable of choosing. You miss easy opportunities. Don’t frown, though: you’ll soon make it!


23 July to 22 August

The night star is in the astrological house of attraction, for you Leo exponents, starting today… The people who are by your side will find you focused on practical things. As far as professional activities are concerned, everything will proceed as you see fit!


23 August to 22 September

With your timing, which distinguishes you these days, you will be able to flatter a person dear to you. From this Thursday, a tasty aspect of the Moon is underway for Virgo… You will earn expressions of esteem: you will discover that you are considered erotically very valid!


23 September to 22 October

There is a disharmonious aspect of our satellite, starting today. You will find that you are considered incapable of choosing. The people you like will wonder what is happening to you, as they expect to see you more convinced… Why are you not exhibiting the right decision-making ability?


23 October to 21 November

For you Scorpios, the Moon is in a tasty aspect starting today. Your controlled character allows you to gain the trust of collaborators as well as those who judge your work. You will find that you are seen as productive and effective in everything you do in a professional or academic context.


November 22nd to December 21st

For your sign, the Moon is in the house of money, on the day that is favorable to your sign. Be quick to take advantage of the situations that are shown to you, in love at work. If you get too distracted, someone will precede you who is waiting for nothing more than your misstep to make your shoes.


22 December to 19 January

For you Capricorns, there is a beautiful lunar conjunction, starting today… The possibility of achieving an important goal, in professional life and affairs of the heart, lies ahead! At this stage, it would be appropriate to take greater advantage of what is looming.


20 January to 18 February

For your exponents of Aquarius, the nocturnal star shows itself in the House of the unconscious today… Be wary of a competitor who aspires to appropriate what you feel is yours! Even though some people try their best to keep you from succeeding, you will achieve something you want.


19 February to 21 March

Starting from the day that is positive for you, for your Water sign, the Moon is in easy aspect! Thanks to your self-control, you will be able to attract the attention of someone many people find exclusive in appearance but difficult to intrigue…

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