Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 24th April 2023


Monday finds you a little fickle. A strenuous Moon position, for Aries, is underway starting earlier this week. The person you like the most will think that maybe you don’t like him anymore, since you’re not all that capable of showing your affection.


The person you like most will appreciate your kindness, although some think it’s an outdated and cheap value today. A harmonic position of the nocturnal star begins, for Taurus, at the beginning of the week. Your affection is fully reciprocated.


Be less impulsive in dealing with economic matters. Our satellite transits in the field of finances, for Gemini, from this Monday… You could deal almost superstitiously with financial and professional opportunities to be evaluated only with a calculator in hand.


The new professional week (for those who don’t play bridge) begins with the opportunity to show off your respect. For you Cancers, a harmonious aspect of your star ruler is underway, starting today. A period of good news also begins in love. Prepare yourself.


There is something you should take care of immediately. At the beginning of the week, for your Fire sign, our satellite enters the astrological House of Hidden Difficulties. More complex situations should not be postponed. If necessary, get help from someone who understands you.


You will be quite awake when you resume your daily tasks. On this day, a tasty aspect of our satellite begins, for your Earth sign… There will be moments of pure interest in the company of someone who makes no secret of appreciating intuitive people.


The resumption of work (unless you are on vacation before the Liberation) finds you capricious. There is an uncomfortable position of the nocturnal star, for you Libras, starting from today. It seems to you that the tasks that are entrusted to you (even at home…) are exaggerated. Are you sure that’s the case?


From this beginning of the week, for you Scorpios, there is an easy aspect of the nocturnal star… Your ability to understand others allows you to experience the resumption of work with interest and attract the attention of those who currency. Good understanding at home too.


From the beginning of this week, the opposition of the nocturnal star ends, for you of Sagittarius… A better period begins, in which one senses that you know how to listen to others and that you value their opinions. In love, this empathy earns you new sympathy.


A dissonant position of the Moon begins, for you Capricorns, today. If someone disagrees with you on an issue, don’t take it personally, especially if you’re not partying for tomorrow and you’re at work. Try to take criticism more constructively.


Our satellite is in the astrological house of exaltation, for your Air sign, starting today… There will be unless you are already on vacation, professional satisfaction. Even in interpersonal relationships, there will be good opportunities for interesting exchanges.


Since the beginning of this week, there is a favorable Moon aspect for you Little Fish… You are very sensitive and can give an important hand to a person who is asking for it. You will see that perhaps not in the short term, this person will do you a favor that cannot be underestimated.

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