Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 24th June 2023


For you Arietini, the Moon is in the astrological house of passion this Saturday… You can commit yourself both to completing a task that has been waiting too long and to improving an interpersonal relationship that interests you but which, lately, it did not live up to expectations.


This Saturday, for the Torellis, a comfortable position of the nocturnal star is in place! If you have some tasks to complete this weekend, you won’t have much difficulty. You will know how to be meticulous and you will gain the admiration of a person who loves seriousness… and sexy moments.


An awkward position of our satellite for your Air sign is underway this Saturday. Don’t have unjustified fears and avoid hypochondria for every little pain! You need to be more in contact with those who inspire you to trust. Only with the most authentic relationships will you regain trust.


The Moon, your star governor, is in a pleasant transit, for your Water sign, this Saturday… Your intelligence is on full display and points you out to someone clever, who would like to involve you in his initiative which up to now he did not share with anyone.


Leo, the nocturnal star is in the House of Money today… Although you feel independent, it could be the right time to get back in touch with someone who knew you well and who can give you that suggestion you’ve been waiting for for a long time. Be humble and you will learn a lot.


For you, Virgos, a cheerful conjunction of the nocturnal star persists on this weekend day… You will go through a day in which the characteristics of your sign are appreciated. You are refined and the people who approach you think it is pleasant to be with you.


For Libra, our satellite is always in the astrological House of tests to overcome, on this first day of the weekend… Hydrate yourself a lot, because – thanks to the arrival of summer – the kidneys are under stress. In interpersonal relationships, show yourself more open and less reserved.


On this first day of the weekend, for your Water sign, there is an advantageous moment of the nocturnal star… You behave very intelligently and everyone notices it, from work colleagues to relatives. Your loved one listens to you more than usual and makes you feel good.


On this first day of the weekend, for you, Sagittarius, the Moon is in an unpleasant disposition. Today, the day when you should feel more relaxed, your behavior is suspicious: it seems to you that there is little to trust in what people tell you. Be less biased…


For you, Capricorns, a favorable aspect of our satellite is underway, on the day of the week that is positive for you! If, in the evening, you have the foresight to be face to face with a person you like, they will appreciate your good taste and refinement…


The nocturnal star is in the Field of metamorphosis, for you Aquarius, on the day of the week for you positive… The weekend finds you brilliant. Why don’t you try organizing something to do with the people you care about? You have the fun at your fingertips.


A dissonant Moon aspect is underway for your Water sign this Saturday! Don’t give up if they pull you by the jacket. You have to learn to say no even when it’s complicated or you feel embarrassed. Take back the free time that someone would like to take away from you.

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