Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 27th April 2023


You will be very authoritative if you talk to someone who expects to know your opinion on something. This Thursday, a favorable position of the nocturnal star begins for your Fire sign… You appear determined and it’s not hard to believe you.


Don’t be inflexible if there is someone who wants to do things differently than you would have preferred. There is a disharmonious position of our satellite, for you Torelli, from today. You must also learn to get excited about ideas that are different from yours, but successful.


People close to you will tend to trust your judgment more than usual. For you Gemini, a pleasant position of our satellite begins this Thursday… You will finally appear talented in the eyes of those who are in charge of evaluating your professional work.


Come up with a new initiative in the professional field: you have charisma and could involve people who help you make everything work without much effort. Starting today, for your Water sign, your star ruler is in the astrological house of money…


A period ends in which you didn’t quite know what to answer to those who pointed out that you didn’t show a particular dedication to their words. Starting this Thursday, our satellite is in a pleasant conjunction for you Leoncini. You will appear sympathetic.


Be careful so that no one takes advantage of your good heart. The Moon enters the twelfth astrological house, for Virgo, today… Try to give your attention and your favors only to those who have already proved they deserve it. You are too generous these days.


There are great opportunities to put your talents into practice in the workplace. Starting from this day, for your Air sign, the nocturnal star is in a tasty moment. Colleagues will think that you are very determined and that something good can be done with you.


Starting this Thursday, there is an uncomfortable aspect to our satellite, for Scorpio… You are too competitive with someone who was minding their own business. We must try to collaborate more, to work less. In the evening, possibly useless discussions.


A harmonic position of the Moon is underway, for your Fire sign, on the day favorable to your sign. You have a certain following. Your words are charismatic and there is no secret of finding you more fascinating than normal. Don’t spend the evening at home: there are opportunities.


For you Capricorns, our satellite enters the House of Change this Thursday. Your mood improves overnight. You will show an engaging way of doing things, which will endear you to someone who needs a little more dynamism these days.


From this Thursday, for Aquarius, there is a dissonant position of the nocturnal star… Be careful not to be too rigid if someone questions certain of your beliefs. Be tolerant and open-minded even when it doesn’t suit you too much: it will gain your self-esteem.


For you Pisces, the Moon appears in the house of duties, on the day favorable for your sign… At work, you have a particular ability to carry out tasks that no one wants to carry out, but which will put you in a good light with the bosses. The stars reward your efforts.

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