Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th

Even today, for your Fire sign, the Moon is in the House of Money… Don’t lose concentration because the chance to start a new adventure lies ahead! Even in love, don’t waste precious moments, to say the least. Alternatively, those who don’t expect you will carry on.


20 April to 20 May

What blocks you from taking advantage of what lies ahead in this period? A cheerful lunar conjunction continues, for you Torelli, in this last weekend of January! It promises the possibility of giving birth to something new and beautiful, as far as erotic life is concerned.


21 May to 21 June

Even though a person opposes you without showing his weapons, you will achieve what you have earned. Today, the Moon is in the astrological House of Hidden Rivals for your Air sign! Be very clear when you talk to whomever you like, and you won’t have any misunderstandings.


22 June to 22 July

Your impassiveness, combined with tenacity, makes it possible to achieve objectives that seemed difficult just a few days ago. A tasty Moon aspect is in the works this Saturday as far as your Cancers are concerned! You will be very successful in matters related to emotional relationships.


23 July to 22 August

A disharmonious aspect of our satellite persists, as far as the Leoncini are concerned. Why don’t you try to show greater participation in the family effectively? Considering that you are forced to avoid overexertion, they will consider you less sharp than usual.


23 August to 22 September

During these days, you are allowed to feel decidedly desired by your neighbor, thanks to your auspicious predisposition of spirit and with the contribution of your impassivity… There is a harmonic position of our satellite, on this weekend day!


23 September to 22 October

Our satellite is in the House of Reconstitution! Personal ties, to the difficult constitution, will become easier, for your gain and for whoever else has been affected by it. Precisely at the moment when it seemed implausible, everyday circumstances become more bearable.


23 October to 21 November

Today, the Moon is dissonant for Scorpio… Since you want to take it easy at all costs, your favorite people will think that you are less perceptive than usual! Don’t worry, if you find yourself in problematic circumstances. If you persist, everything will turn out for the best.


November 22nd to December 21st

The Moon is located in the House of everyday life. It would be appropriate to devote yourself to eros with someone who inspires you from that point of view: you can earn heartfelt praise too. Any circumstance will proceed decently (if not beautifully) as far as Sabbath chores are concerned!


22 December to 19 January

The favorable position of the Moon continues, on the positive day of the week for you, and the last Saturday of the month. You will find that you are more focused on the practical details than usual. Your attitude will certainly bear fruit in all areas of life, including love!


20 January to 18 February

A complicated position of our satellite is in progress on a favorable day for your sign. Since you try to be (according to some) excessively calm, those around you will think that you are unwilling. Especially in love, why don’t you put more solicitude into the field?


19 February to 21 March

For you, Pisces, follow a tasty aspect of the night star, on this first day of the weekend! In all areas of life, whether professional or personal, people will see you as more focused on the details than usual and will trust your judgment.

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