Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 28th May 2023


For Aries, the nocturnal star is in the House of daily life. You can spend a very practical Sunday, in which you will be able to complete even boring tasks in a short time. Carve out some time for your emotional life, it will be worth it…


For you, Torelli, an easy position of our satellite persists this Sunday. You’ll be quite elegant in your way of speaking. You will be able to convince someone you like not only that you are right, but also that you have a way of acting that cannot be ignored…


On the day dedicated to relaxation, a complicated position of the night star continues, for you Geminis… You should be a little more flexible. If things don’t go exactly as you expect, don’t be sad: there could be unexpectedly positive implications for you too.


On this last day of the weekend, for your Water sign, a harmonious aspect of our satellite followed. You will be able to be very selfless and give your best when you are in a group. If you don’t have friends in this period, take the opportunity, perhaps through a hobby, to meet people.


On the day of the week that is positive for you, the night star is still in the astrological house of material goods! The people you’ve dated the longest consider you to be very trustworthy. They will inform you of something that you have sensed and which is important to confirm.


Anyone looking for a new romantic partner will have more opportunities, which should not be missed. For your Earth sign, there is always a positive Moon aspect going on this day. Your elegance reaps victims without even trying too hard.


On the day dedicated to relaxation, our satellite still passes, for you Libras, in the House of Secret enemies… You don’t need to let the details ruin your weekend. Leave it alone if something doesn’t go one hundred percent right. It will get better next week


On the rest day, there is a positive position of the Moon, for Scorpio. Put your talent at the disposal of an activity that has been a bit muted in recent days. You deserve to be able to indulge in something you enjoy but don’t have time for.


There is still a tiring position of the night star, for your Fire sign, in the day dedicated to relaxation. Know how to appreciate people (and above all the person who makes your heart beat) for what they can offer and not for what they could theoretically do better.


Our satellite is in favorable transit, for your Earth sign, on this last day of the weekend. The people who know you best appreciate you for your newfound positivity. But it will be the new people who most of all will be able to appreciate your intelligence.


This Sunday, for you Aquarius, the night star is in the astrological house of change. It’s time to understand what you did wrong in the past days and to try to fix it. This time it will be easier to make amends, especially if you act with true conviction!


Today, an unpleasant position of the night star continues, for you Pisces! In important decisions, make a clear decision and don’t backtrack too many times. Relatives, and your loved ones, may find you rather indecisive. Show determination.

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