Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 6th April 2023


Luckily, it is the last day in which it will be possible to think that you are not loyal to those who love you. There is a disharmonious position of our satellite, for Aries, today… You will be able to explain your behavior which, recently, had confused many people.


You can demonstrate that you can achieve professional results that many find too difficult. For Taurus, the nocturnal star is in the House of daily life… Don’t forget to present the bill to whoever judges your work and can improve your situation.


Your intelligence is undeniable. On this day, for your Air sign, the nocturnal star is always in a pleasant moment. It’s time to make, in the professional environment, a request that intimidates you… but now it’s time to demand. You owe it to yourself.


Sometimes you appear very touchy. The Moon, your patron star, is in disharmonious disposition for Cancer today. Before you get upset if someone criticizes you, take a moment to examine it and ask yourself if, by any chance, it’s constructive criticism.


Your creativity is very useful in resolving an issue that has caused a certain impasse in working life. For Leo, followed by an easy aspect of the Moon, this Thursday… You are considered sociable by people who can give a lot in emotional relationships.


Thanks to your sociability, you will be able to agree with someone who will help you carry out a project in which you believe a lot, but which is difficult for you to advance on your own. On this day, our satellite is, for you Virgo, in the second house…


It is still a very profitable day for those who are bored and want to have new experiences. For you Librans, the Moon is in serene conjunction today. You will be very sociable in contexts where you usually don’t feel very comfortable. Good for you…


Be careful how you eat: you are subject to stomach pain today. For you Scorpios, our satellite is in the astrological House of Hidden Rivals today. Hydrate yourself as much as possible and get some exercise to improve your physical condition.


A favorable aspect of the Moon continues, for Sagittarius, on the day of the week that is positive for you… You have original ideas that can improve your working day. In the evening, you will be in the right mood to be appreciated by a person who wants to see another side of you.


This Thursday, an uncomfortable position of the nocturnal star is taking place for you Capricorns. Don’t be too touchy if someone doesn’t pay much attention to your needs. Maybe he’s just distracted… point out the mistake and avoid prolonging the bad mood.


For you Aquarians, a pleasant aspect of our satellite followed today. Don’t miss the opportunity to show yourself off in the eyes of a person who usually isn’t very attentive to what you say, but who now can’t help but think it’s worth listening to.


Even today you have the right spirit to embark on a new adventure. On the day favorable to your sign, the Moon is, for you Pisces, in the astrological house of metamorphosis… You know how to move with ease both at work and in private life, where you receive satisfaction.

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