Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 9th June 2023


On this day, for you Aries, our satellite shows itself in the astrological house of dark rivals. Don’t be irresponsible in a matter that you think is unimportant: this attitude could turn against you and cause you unexpected trouble. Be foresight.


Now that the weekend is approaching, there is a tasty position of the nocturnal star for your Earth sign! You are very sensitive and the best people you know notice this. In everyday activities, your creativity will allow you to solve a problem.


A complicated position of the Moon is underway, for Gemini, at the gates of the weekend. You may appear moody since you often change your mind. Be careful not to generate jealousy in your partner, who doesn’t expect to see you so wavering. Go straight, these days.


Starting today, a favorable Moon aspect is underway for you Cancerians. You are very artistic in your way. Your ideas are very intelligent and allow you to get by in all contexts. You have such clever ideas that they can be considered transcendental.


The nocturnal star passes through the House of Regeneration, for you Leoncini, as the weekend approaches… You have come out of a slightly pessimistic moment and gone back to seeing things with almost pink glasses. One person, in particular, is happy with your mood and draws closer to you.


Our satellite is in complicated opposition, to Virgo, as the weekend approaches… Don’t be touchy if someone doesn’t tell you the things you expect. Be more confident if you don’t want to ruin your weekend. More confidence will make you happier.


For you, Librans, the Moon enters the House of Duties, on a lucky day for your sign… You will face daily difficulties with a certain optimism, which never hurts. Your loved one finds you sexy like they haven’t in a while. Who are you to deny her your presence?


At the gates of the weekend, for you Scorpios, our satellite presents itself in a pleasant moment. So the period in which you did not give too much importance to the ideas and actions of others is over. Now your behavior is more original and imaginative and puts you in a good light.


For your Fire sign, there is a difficult position for the nocturnal star, at the gates of the weekend. You can understand before others everything that happens around you. You are empathetic and understand before others what needs to be done to solve certain problems you find in the profession.


An advantageous Moon aspect is underway for you Capricorns as the weekend approaches… You are characterized by a certain positivity, which connotes a little bit of everything you do. Your optimism is detected by others, who come after you more easily.


Today, for Aquarius, the Moon shows itself in the house of money… In your relationship with the economic world, you will be quite creative. An investment opportunity that others miss will turn out to be a good one for you. Don’t be distracted by those who don’t want to see you succeed and insist!


An elegant conjunction of our satellite is underway, for your Water sign, now that the weekend approaches… The period brings beautiful renewals. You will be able to get very good suggestions. You understand people and make the most of them, at work and home.

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