Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 9th May 2023


A period continues in which you appear snobbish to a person who, on the other hand, appreciates easy-going people and would like to exchange a few chats in peace with you! For the Arietini, the nocturnal star is in an uncomfortable position, on the day favorable to your sign…


A positive aspect of the nocturnal star continues, for you Taurus, on this day… In the emotional sphere, you will obtain great satisfaction. Your loyalty is rewarded by a show of affection that you have been waiting for for a while. In the profession, you go like trains.


The Moon is in the Field of reconstitution, for you Geminis, today… You will know how to be patient in obtaining information that you have been waiting for for a while and which will finally allow you to address a problem. There will be secrets revealed, which will intrigue you a lot.


For you Cancers, a complicated aspect of our satellite persists this Tuesday… At work, you are taking things a little too seriously and trying too hard. Some tasks can be performed even imperfectly. Remember that the best is the worst enemy of the good!


This Tuesday, the night star is in the Field of passion, for you Leo! You indeed want to give your best in your profession in this period, but you must not forget that there is someone interested in the more private side of your existence. Share it!


On this day, for you Virgos, a comfortable moment of the nocturnal star is taking place! Colleagues find you very loyal and entrust you with information that not everyone has. Even in feelings, you can take advantage of confidence you didn’t have before, which now makes you stronger.


A period continues in which you are not on the same wavelength as a person you like a lot, and who has not yet understood why it is so difficult to communicate with you. Today, the nocturnal star is in an unpleasant position for your Air sign… Re-synchronize with whoever you like.


For you Scorpios, a tasty aspect of the nocturnal star follows, on a favorable day for your sign. Your attitude at work is considered serious and productive. It’s time to point out to those responsible that you deserve better treatment.


There is someone who would like to communicate something to you but finds a rubber wall in front of them. This Tuesday, for Sagittarius, our satellite passes through the second house! Lower the communication barriers and you will obtain information that makes your life easier…


On this day, for you Capricorns, a tasty aspect of the Moon is underway! There will be good conversations with someone who has the wisdom to spare. Don’t be shy and let them tell you what they think of you: you could discover something that helps you in any context…


A conversation with someone you’re interested in could make you look like a snob. For Aquarius, our satellite is always in the astrological house of hidden adversity today… Be careful not to use a vocabulary that does not reward you. Be more tolerant at least in words.


For you Minnows, our satellite is at an advantageous moment today! In your profession, your dedication shines through, which will lead to you being appreciated by your superiors. A colleague or client will start looking at you from unexpected points of view. Evaluate the situation well.

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