Zodiac Signs

Venus In Scorpio On Sept 23rd: Rekindling Passion For All Signs

The planet of love enters the sky the most magnetic sign of the zodiac. A short practical guide to understand everything.

It’s time to say goodbye to the sweetness of summer. As September draws to a close, autumn is about to take over again. The most “cocooning” season of the year is here to help us find our balance. It’s a period of transition that invites us to discover the riches of our inner world after having traveled the globe or the four corners of France this summer. Slowed down, the Sun leaves the very organized Virgo to join the gentle Libra. The planets are aligning to help us find our bearings, to anchor ourselves. Well, that’s for those who decide to slow down. Venus, the goddess of love, who is also the planet of money, is taking another direction. She is going to join the sky of mysterious Scorpio, this September 23, 2024. On the program: a little electricity in the air, alchemy, and above all a flame of ardent desire that risks warming the hearts of all the signs of the zodiac. Decryption.

Venus in Scorpio: Passion above all

Tell me what planet you are, I’ll tell you what you want. The cosmos is a well-oiled organization. As in Olympus, everyone has their little role to play. Mercury manages communication, Uranus is the planet of rebellion and Venus influences our relationships with others. Love affairs, that’s her. Negotiations? Her again. She even hides behind our wallets and the way we manage our bank accounts (the relationship to value and values). A great lady to whom we attribute a whole bunch of powers. From the art of seduction to well-being and the need to feel vibrant daily, Venus directly influences our happiness. If during the last few weeks, she had committed to appeasing hearts and promoting reconciliations, the planet is now sailing towards other skies.

Under the rule of Scorpio, the planet is tinged with a hint of magnetism. More captivating than ever, our relationships are ignited. There is the desire to create an intense connection, first, and the urge to follow one’s desires. Venus in Scorpio awakens our power of attraction, our need to give ourselves body and soul. We release the pressure, we forget the taboos, fears, and tensions to reconnect with the little inner flame that drives us. Venus in Scorpio invites us to get out of our comfort zone, to dive back into the depths of our being to determine (and assume) what we like. What we truly want. Exit the lies, the unsaid, or the simple fact of turning a blind eye. The sign of darkness (remember that Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, transformations, reversals, the god of the Underworld) is there to help us find the light in the darkness. “You could get in touch with your true desires, your deepest desires, and feed your passions by investing yourself fully in what you love,” says astrologer @marianneandthemoon on her Instagram account. If the period is ideal for clarifying what we think and what we feel, it also allows us to boost our libido. In intimacy, the connection becomes more powerful. Desire is more carnal. Fantasies are shared more easily, without fear of being judged. Venus invites us to show ourselves as we are. We become more vulnerable, perhaps, but above all more conscious.

Horoscope: How will Venus in Scorpio influence your astrological sign?

If Venus in Scorpio awakens desire in all astrological signs, not all will be impacted in the same way by this planetary movement. Some will be more comfortable than others with the idea of ​​ignoring what people will say to fully assume the most hidden part of their being. It’s not always easy to open your heart and analyze what you feel…

  • This is the big plunge for Scorpio and the other Water signs, namely Cancer and Pisces. Endowed with extreme sensitivity, these three signs could well want to change everything. They feel more confident to dare to share what is on their hearts. They feel the urge to put things back in order, redefine their relationships, and above all grant themselves a little beneficial introspection. What comforts them? What are they ready to abandon themselves to? With whom? The surges of Venus in Scorpio could make them a little more moody than usual. Their feelings and passion carry them away. They want to live life to the fullest. Beware of excess.
  • For Taurus and Libra, the two signs ruled by Venus, the period is well chosen to initiate a reassessment. Need to do things differently, want to listen to themselves a little more, to follow their instincts with more intensity. Taurus and Libra feel the need to review their achievements. On the heart side, this translates into letting themselves be carried away by the present moment. They impose their own rules and seek to flourish by daring to come out of their shell. Not easy when you love your little routine, but with Venus in Scorpio, there is no choice: change is now.
  • The other two Earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn) could feel a bit annoyed by the overly “emotional” side of Venus in Scorpio. Outpourings of the heart and outpourings? Not for them. They take their troubles patiently while still learning to take a step toward the other.
  • Finally, Gemini, Aquarius, and the Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo), who are not the sentimental type (they prefer to flirt and have fun) could still be looking for more honesty and intensity in their relationships. Venus in Scorpio is not their cup of tea. You have to look on the bright side: their libido will skyrocket. Intimacy is all about intense connections and surrendering to the other.

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