Zodiac Signs

Weekly Horoscope From March 18th: Leo & These Zodiac Signs Need Staying Power Now

The new week could be exciting. But what will await you? Find out what the universe has planned here.

For the new week, the star constellations are once again revealing exciting twists and turns. Does the universe have positive or rather unpleasant surprises in store for you? In our weekly horoscope, all 12 zodiac signs can find out what awaits them in the week starting March 18th.


Lust & Love
Venus and Jupiter make you more relaxed more attentive and tolerant towards each other. This development is good for your relationship! As a single, you are accessible to new fans. Your instincts don’t deceive you. You will quickly see whether it can become something more and whether it is worth investing in your feelings.

Career & Finance
Venus and Jupiter support you in dealing with all people in your job environment. Teamwork is characterized by sympathy and you expand your network. Funding is also possible, they will help you. When it comes to money matters, you don’t yet have all the details in mind. It’s better to give yourself a little more time to make a decision.

Health & Fitness
The stars have a boost of energy ready for you. Your joy in life benefits and you think more positively again. In general, you can cope with your everyday life with more ease and reduce health deficits. Jupiter sharpens your senses when it comes to self-care. You do exactly what is good for you.


Lust & Love
As a single, you are in the mood for erotic adventures. Things are happening in your head and you want to put these visions into action. What starts so hot can even lead to great love. If you are in a relationship, you declare war on the relationship routine. You style yourself more seductively and turn the head of the person you love.

Career & Finance
You are strong at connecting, bringing the right people together, and knowing exactly how you can benefit from it. Venus brings you sympathy and supports everything you do together with others. You prove your skill when spending money. You negotiate good prices and also have luck at auctions.

Health & Fitness
Your energy level is impressive. You skillfully ignore stress and hectic pace. You rely on variety, but you also know exactly when you need a break – and then you take it. Things are also looking good when it comes to fitness training: Mars encourages you and you like running in the fresh air.


Lust & Love
Venus turns you on! When you’re single, you’re right in the middle of the flirting game and soon you’ll be head over heels in love. Relationships go through a honeymoon phase. Cloud nine is reserved for you two lovebirds.

Career & Finance
At work, you appear solid and reliable. Saturn sharpens your eye for long-term developments. You quickly realize what is best for you. Venus contributes almost brilliant ideas and also supports you with money questions.

Health & Fitness
Venus and Jupiter awaken your interest in everything that makes your life a little more beautiful. Your focus is on enjoyment, and you would like to treat yourself to a little more of that now. But you know your limits and know when it would be too much of a good thing.


Lust & Love
As a single, you score points with your radiant smile and your fiery temperament. Your fans will quickly notice that it won’t be boring with you. You’re being swarmed right now. Are you already in a relationship? You two enjoy a relaxed phase in which you are just as available for fun leisure action as for spontaneous sex.

Career & Finance
Mars provides you with strong impulses for a confident appearance. New tasks and ambitious competition don’t scare you, they spur you on. Financially, you have the jackpot in sight: Mercury in Aries offers you opportunities that are not commonplace. Your chances of winning are also really good right now.

Health & Fitness
Mars gives you a large portion of strength and confidence. And it kicks your hunger for adventure. It’s clear: you’re driving in the fast lane and taking what’s possible. Enjoying life is at the top of your list. But you also show what you can do in sport.


Lust & Love
Venus increases your desire for sensual things, but Mars curbs your erotic impulses. As a single, you sometimes don’t know what you want. If you are in a relationship, you feel a strong attraction between the two of you. But sometimes you also mutate into a burdock. Make sure there is enough space for both of you, this will benefit the relationship in the end.

Career & Finance
A little bit of routine is good for you. You consciously avoid competing for a new position. In the team, you are reliable and empathetic, which earns you brownie points. You handle your money carefully. You are just staying on safe ground and investing in what you know and what has proven itself.

Health & Fitness
You quickly realize that you need more care this week. It’s good for you to relax in a spa, get a massage, or turn your bathroom into a home spa in the evening. Venus and Neptune also recommend that you go to bed earlier. Sleep has a particularly restful effect on you now.


Lust & Love
As a single, you are hungry for experiences. Venus and Mars send out different signals. This drives you to test your effectiveness. It tingles tremendously, but love is not yet involved. Couples want to live it out in the bedroom and rely on changing positions. Be careful, romantic deficits are possible.

Career & Finance
Mars motivates you to get started in your job. You want to tackle things, clean up thoroughly, and optimize work processes. This makes it easy for you to recognize opportunities and adapt your strategy accordingly. Teamwork generally goes well, even if you don’t always agree. There is a chance of luck when shopping. You find something you’ve been looking for for a long time.

Health & Fitness
You are in the middle of it instead of just there – and you can always find where life is pulsating. Mars brings you an extra portion of strength and a good mood. Things go even better if you opt for light cuisine. You currently tolerate fatty and sweet foods less well.


Lust & Love
As a single, you have a good laugh. Venus and Jupiter give you a new casualness that goes down incredibly well when flirting. If it turns out to be more, you’ll be happy. If not, that’s okay with you too. You let everything happen to you. Relationships are fulfilling, you two complement each other perfectly. A relaxed atmosphere is simply more important to you than perfectionism.

Career & Finance
You polish your social skills because you know: This will help you achieve your professional goals better and get applause for it. Jupiter and Neptune reinforce the social component. You are popular in the team and can lead others well. You can get more out of your money if you look a little more consciously at the costs.

Health & Fitness
The big line is right for you. Jupiter and Neptune support you and promote your inner peace. You continue to develop on a spiritual level. You are open to new ways of thinking and relax particularly quickly with yoga and meditation.


Lust & Love
You are self-confident and not willing to compromise. This causes unrest in your relationship. If you two coordinate better, you’ll get through the week more relaxed. As a single, you are communicative and quickly come into contact with interesting people. But you miss that certain something and so you soon part ways again.

Career & Finance
This week you make your big appearance, all eyes are on you. The stars catapult you to the top of your job. Although you are certainly loyal, you are not quite as team-oriented as usual. You also use your elbows when an unusual opportunity presents itself. Sometimes you just have to think about yourself. Healthy egoism is the keyword.

Health & Fitness
Your mental powers are enormous this week and you shape your destiny with this thought power. Strong nerves are another plus point that gives you more calmness in everyday life, during sports, and in all your projects. But Mars is running sideways, so you may want to slow down your exercise routine a bit.


Lust & Love
Challenging stars make you more demanding in love. As a single person, you are critical and tend to have high expectations. Only when everything is perfect do you give your okay. Until then, self-love is on the cosmic agenda. There is a need to talk in relationships. Now tact and tenderness are required. It’s better to leave critical comments alone.

Career & Finance
Jupiter and Uranus act as your cosmic success mix. You can assert yourself well in your team and negotiate intelligently and purposefully. Things are a little slow when it comes to creative projects, but everything related to computer updates and technical gadgets works great and gives you new opportunities. Plus point of the week: Jupiter signals financial luck for you.

Health & Fitness
Jupiter gives you new confidence and makes you more powerful in everyday life and during sports. There is a slight tendency towards allergies when it comes to beauty care. Try out new products first before you buy the entire care line.


Lust & Love
Your good relationship with your favorite person ensures that you achieve a lot together. In everyday life, you are a well-rehearsed team and you also harmonize wonderfully in bed. If you’re single, you’re dating someone who not only has a sexy look but also has similar interests to you. It couldn’t be better!

Career & Finance
Teamwork is once again your great strength. You can rely on your people and get your team committed to your common goals. But that’s not all. You also develop brilliant ideas and practical solutions. It’s best to make decisions spontaneously; your intuition is a good guide. However, you are a bit loose with your money and are prone to luxury purchases.

Health & Fitness
Mars acts like a beauty treatment on you. You liven up, are in a good mood, and simply have more confidence in yourself. This is a really good week in which your body, mind, and soul are in perfect balance and everything flows for you.


Lust & Love
Scorpio has the hottest flirtation of the week. Venus now offers you exactly what you imagine. In a relationship, you are cuddly and playful at the same time. You conquer your counterpart again and again – gently and sensitively. Your infamous stinger doesn’t show up.

Career & Finance
Your success package: Team spirit and your friendly nature mixed with creative ideas and a flair for styling and design. When it comes to money, your love of luxury is noticeable: you spend more on your hobbies and leisure activities. But that is also possible now.

Health & Fitness
Venus is sending plenty of happy vibes your way. You enjoy taking care of yourself and pampering yourself with high-quality beauty treatments. Your soul rejoices, but your jogging shoes stay in the closet. You’d rather turn up the heat on wellness and cut back on your exercise routine.


Lust & Love
As a single, you are willing to take risks and quickly give in to spontaneous seduction. Relationships also go through an intense phase and the motto is all or nothing. You’re floating a few centimeters above the ground because of sheer happiness. But even small disagreements make you question your relationship. Take it easy, there’s no reason for it.

Career & Finance
Now you’re brimming with motivation and ambition. You attack and work up everything left behind. Whatever your tasks look like: you develop the right strategy for them. Mercury and Mars support you and boost your success and income. You just have a knack for good business.

Health & Fitness
Your energy level is high and you can easily storm away from everyone. Mars acts as a power boost for you. No matter what the weather: you sprint through the park. Now you need new sporting challenges and develop more grit during training. However, you don’t tolerate parties and short nights as well. At some point, your batteries will need to be recharged.

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