Zodiac Signs

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Look Forward To In October 2024, According To Horoscopes

What Each Zodiac Sign Can Look Forward To In October 2024

The October 2024 monthly horoscopes predict drastic changes for every zodiac sign, especially as this eclipse season intensifies with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024. During this time, we focus on our relationships, including those that are romantic, platonic, and business-oriented, to understand how independent and confident we are.

Jupiter will be retrograde on October 9th, making this a powerful time for mutable signs. However, we need these transits for deeper introspection and personal growth. Pluto will be directly in Capricorn on the 11th, another crucial transit since these will be the last weeks we will see the planet in the sign in our lifetime.

On October 13, Mercury’s entry into Scorpio makes our communication more emotional. This is a time to face the past so we can move forward with more confidence. Scorpio Energy wants us to do the work to become more confident and self-reliant.

On October 17, the full moon in Aries adds a new wave of emotions, bringing us back to the solar eclipse on April 8. But things might feel smoother and more manageable as Venus, the planet of love, enters Sagittarius on the same day, bringing more optimism, hope, and harmony.

Finally, the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, initiating the powerful Scorpio season that will allow us to learn and grow as we continue our transformation.

October 2024 Monthly Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign


Throughout the month of October, you are healing and transforming and you will see how resilient and courageous you truly are.

The New Moon in Libra on October 2nd brings you powerful opportunities to focus on repairing your friendships and relationships. You’ll see the importance of the people you have in your life, and cherishing your friends and partner may feel easier over the next six months.

Jupiter retrograde on the 9th adds an element of surprise as it can help you succeed in things you’ve been working on. Editing, revising, and researching could help you take more pride in the work you’ve done, whether it’s a creative or academic project or your usual workload.

The full moon on October 13 is in your sign, Aries, adding themes from April’s eclipse as a story likely tied to your relationships and independence comes to a close. On the same day, Venus enters Sagittarius, allowing us to rise above and find more joy in love. Fire energy can be healing and more optimistic. When Scorpio season begins on October 23, more themes from Mercury’s entry into the same sign earlier in the month resurface.


October encourages you not to be afraid of vulnerability or asking for help and reminds you to treat yourself whenever you can.

If eclipse season has been a time of growth and self-discovery, the Libra New Moon on the 2nd helps you find yourself again. Jupiter retrograde on the 9th encourages you to take care of yourself and be mindful of your energy. Pluto direct on the 11th will have you cherishing what you can accomplish on your own, but will also remind you to ask for help when needed.

With Mercury entering Scorpio on the 13th, you can see how you can elevate the bond you share with your partner or friends as you will be more communicative and emotionally available to those you love.

The Aries full moon on October 17 brings the themes of April’s eclipse back into focus, allowing you to finally turn the page before the sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, adding powerful energy to your relationship house once again. You’ll see how Saturn in Pisces has transformed you and how you’re ready to integrate these lessons into your love life.


October is here to bring you love and self-care.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd is a great time to get back to basics, as the energy will be on a friendly side with your sign. Over the next six months, your love life will be transformed. Jupiter will be retrograde on the 9th, making this an introspective and fun transit, as people or creative projects from the past resurface.

Pluto will be direct on the 11th, reminding you to focus on the minor details, prepare your to-do list, and do the inner work before Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 20 years.

The Aries Full Moon on the 17th is a fantastic time to reconnect with people you respect and appreciate. It’s also a good time to strategize and ground yourself if needed. Venus will enter your relationship house on the 17th the same day. Together, these transits offer a time to connect with the people you love or to re-love yourself.


The month encourages you to play the game and be disciplined and methodical in your moves, but it also wants you to have a lot of fun and experience love the way you want.

Your career and ambitions take center stage this month, especially with the solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd highlighting the balance you need to pursue your mission. New power dynamics emerge with Pluto direct on the 11th, helping you wrap up relevant chapters focused on partnerships, especially business partnerships or collaborations you have with friends.

Mercury enters Scorpio on the 13th, showing you the different aspects of love and romance allowing you to connect on a deeper level with your partner as things get more exciting once the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd.

The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th will occur at the highest point of your chart, a time to see the results of your hard work and efforts.


October brings you back to your element. Tap into your inner light and show it to others. Don’t limit your light and positive energy to those who might feel insecure around you.

As eclipse season heats up, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd will help you find your group or meet new people with whom you are more in tune. You may feel supported and strengthened by the connections you make over the next six months.

Pluto will be direct on the 11th, making it a great time to focus on balancing work and self-care. When Mercury enters Scorpio on the 13th, you’re feeling ambitious and aiming for the prize. You’re in it to win it.

With Venus entering Sagittarius on the 17th and the full moon in Aries on the same day, the trine to your sign makes this a time for action and meeting new people. You feel quite optimistic and continue to shine brightly.


After last month’s Pisces eclipse, the Nodes will be active again with the October 2nd Solar Eclipse in Libra. You may feel more in tune with your goals and motivations now.

Pluto turns direct on the 11th, allowing you to heal your past relationships and close those chapters for good as the planet prepares to enter a new realm in a month.

The full moon in Aries on the 17th and Venus in Sagittarius on the same day are illuminating transits that help you reflect on your goals and career path. If you are in school, this can be a time when you may feel curious to learn new things or solidify the subjects that you are passionate about. For those who are searching for their career goals and dreams, this transit can bring a lot of optimism to the search.


A solar eclipse in your sign on October 2nd ushers in a new chapter that involves you, your ambitions, and the confidence you feel to navigate these new landscapes. Your relationships hold clues about you, as the energy can feel like a mirror effect. After this cycle, you may have a new understanding of the types of people you want to connect with and those who may be considered toxic.

Pluto will turn direct again on the 11th, bringing understanding and clarity to your career path. This is also a time of grounding and preparation.

The Full Moon will be in Aries on the 17th, reminding you that you are a leader and sometimes even a warrior as you reflect on the independence you have shown over the past six months. Once your ruling planet, Venus, enters Sagittarius on the 17th, it will be a time to take a step back and see how you have evolved as a leader under the fire energy that requires you to be more present for yourself and take the lead when necessary.


October could feel like a love story, ready to give you so much more and help you regain your confidence. It starts with the Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse that begins on October 2nd, a powerful cycle that can bring the final chapters of this North Node story.

On the 13th, Mercury enters your sign, making you more curious and communicative. Research becomes a joyful pastime, making this a time to read more, study some topics for free online, or dive into a course—you’ll be surprised by what you discover. Expect to use your brain for good. The full moon in Aries occurs on the 17th, opening the way for more learning and growth before the nodes move into new signs next year.

The month ends with the Sun in your sign on the 23rd making you feel bold and more willing to take center stage. Your birthday period can be a wonderful time to spend with the people you love and enjoy the atmosphere.


October is a month of growth, provided you trust the process.

The year has certainly not been without its challenges, but the October 2 eclipse will be a time when you feel satisfied with your work, the progress you have made, and the projects you may have imagined earlier this year. Your efforts are paying off, and you will receive the praise you deserve during this cycle.

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, will be retrograde on October 9, making this a time of more intense reflection. You’ll be more diplomatic with friends, family, and romantic partners.

The full moon in Aries on the 17th brings playful energy, but this may be a time when you’re content to work alone and focus on getting your projects off the ground. You’re feeling hardworking and ready to build, create, and expand. Venus will enter your sign on the 17th, boosting your confidence and making you more outgoing and willing to meet new people.


October will push you to your limits, reminding you that to be victorious, you must be willing to learn more about your strengths and weaknesses. With Pluto currently in your sign, you will gain a better understanding of why these changes need to happen. The month will show you how much of a leader you can be at work and at home.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd will be the Solar Eclipse in Libra, adding more changes to your house of career. This is a time for you to see the fruits of your labor as you adjust to the changes ahead. Pluto is direct on the 11th, making things much easier to handle while you wait for the planet of evolution to enter a new sign next month.

The Full Moon in Aries on the 17th will allow you to connect with your family to uncover pieces of the past and grow together. The cycle that began six months ago could conclude as you experience healing before the end of the month with the Sun in Scorpio, a dynamic period that will continue to focus on friendship and family.


This eclipse season may feel supercharged as the collective is pushed to transform this month, and during this month you will see your strengths and power shine through.

The month begins with the New Moon solar eclipse in Libra, making it a powerful time where learning and discovering truths are on the horizon for the next few months. Pluto stationing direct on the 11th helps you close some crucial chapters while admiring your power. You see a new side of yourself and may enjoy this transformation.

Mercury will enter Scorpio on the 13th, making this another powerful transit that helps you take control and learn how to improve your communication in the public sector.

On the 17th, the Full Moon in Aries closes a chapter that we all began six months ago when the eclipse occurred. Reflect and see how your friends have provided you with encouragement, love, and support during this time, as Venus in Sagittarius on the same day allows you to reconcile with others and be more willing to listen to those in need. You may also feel more compelled during this transit to help and reach out to others.


Since we experienced the partial eclipse in your sign in September, October will be a time for learning to fall in love with who you are. Jupiter, your ruling planet, will be retrograde on October 9, adding extra elements of surprise as you continue to adjust to the curve balls that Saturn may continue to throw your way.

Still, with Mercury entering Scorpio on the 13th, you may feel more optimistic about what you’re learning and how you’re adapting and integrating the lessons of these transits.

The Aries Full Moon on the 17th will be a good way for you to find your strength and assess your personal transformation over the past six months since the last Aries eclipse. Once Venus enters Sagittarius, you may feel much more empowered and ready to continue thriving, learning, and growing, as this will be a visible aspect that can make others more enamored with your charm.

The Sun in Scorpio on the 22nd/23rd makes this another exciting transit that can make you feel more adventurous and courageous.

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