Zodiac Signs


Sometimes, we would all like to harden a little when they hurt us, but unfortunately, every heart works in a way. You can find extremely sensitive zodiac signs that move away from any type of pain to the minimum that they see it coming. But you can also find others who do the rest of their lives for the “coldness” of their heart. Here we show you what each sign would change in your heart:

ARIES: Often, Aries is impulsive, and can give an image that is not really his due. If I could, in love I would put many more barriers, I would put high walls that not everyone could get through. Because yes, deep down, when he falls in love, he lets pass everything or almost everything. And he does not realize that there are things he does not deserve, he does not realize that it is better to cut for the sake once he suffers and endure. Because no matter how much endurance you have, there are unnecessary details, moments you don’t deserve, toxic people who shouldn’t enter your life. When he falls in love, his heart becomes flexible. Sometimes too much.

TAURUS: Taurus would love to have a harder heart. He feels too much, he worries too much and everything hurts too much. Despite having a different appearance, Taurus cares a lot about the people he wants. And if they have a problem, they make it their own and care much more. I wish it could happen from time to time, I wish I could leave the heart aside to listen more to the head. But there are times when you can’t. It is impossible.\

GEMINI : Gemini would like his heart not to deceive him so much. Many times he has fallen in love with the wrong person. And although his head told him to stop, his heart encouraged him to continue. Gemini is changing, nobody doubts that, but not when he falls in love. When he does his world he stops, he only cares about that person and unfortunately, he sees hardly any defects. He sees nothing wrong. His heart seems totally sedated, as if he didn’t realize that difficult things will come later.

CANCER: The heart of Cancer is sensitive and soft. A lot. He would love it to be a little harder, colder. He would love to know how to turn around and say no more often in love. But it costs him his life, and especially when he is in love. Believe in the second opportunities, but only in the second. When his head tells him to stop and that he should not give one more, his heart tells him to do it, than the last one, that he has to try. And therein lies the problem, don’t try just once, try a million before you really realize it doesn’t work

LEO: Leo’s heart has a lot of love to give, but the problem is that he still has old wounds from past love. Leo lives everything so intensely that, although he can start other relationships, there is still room in his heart for past love. And that sometimes takes its toll. He would love it if his heart could suddenly drop everything, he would love that his heart had no memory. And in fact, he hates it. Turn the page of course, but there is still something …

VIRGO: Virgo has a huge heart and always gives too much, in his own way yes, but a lot. Sometimes, that can wear you out. In the end, he has a very selfless soul. He is a person who loves to help, who loves to be there when they need him. Think that, among other things, a good person has to do that. It has to be, whatever happens. His heart would prevent him from doing so, but sometimes his heart is also mistaken as a person.

LIBRA: The heart of Libra is generous and affectionate. He suffers when the people he loves are suffering. He puts himself too much in the place of others even though he seems to have a brick wall so that they don’t see him as someone weak. Libra’s heart suffers more than it counts and that bothers Libra. In love, it can sink and it can break often. Your heart pays for the bad decisions of others.

SCORPIO: Scorpio has a very delicate heart. Maybe it’s hard to get to him, but when you do, it will be yours forever. And the problem is that Scorpio is capable of giving everything. Able to cross oceans for you, able to put aside anything to be with you … And when you give everything you also run the risk of losing everything. And his heart will suffer greatly if you disappoint him, and he will fall hard, and he will break into a thousand pieces. And one day he will gather all those bits to make it beat again, but it will cost …

SAGITTARIUS: The heart of Sagittarius is selfish with Sagittarius. When he wants something, he goes for it, although that can do a lot of damage to Sagi. Sometimes, he falls in love with the most toxic people on earth, and although his head tells him to stop, his heart does not stop. Sagi hates that, he wants to put himself first but he can’t always, he wants to take more care of himself, but there is something that takes him along winding roads, roads that are actually full of thorns.

CAPRICORN: The heart of Capricorn is made of steel. Although you want to approach others many times, there is something that slows you down. Capri would love to change, he would love to give more of himself, be able to let his emotions and feelings flow freely and not have to always be thinking that they can hurt him a lot. Sometimes, they move away from others without even realizing it. Because they put a barrier to all that energy that flows inside.

AQUARIUS: The heart of Aquarius has many problems to recover from disappointments quickly. When something hurts a lot, it isolates itself, encloses itself, and your heart takes a long time to recover. He would love to spend more of everything, that nothing mattered to him so much as to get so sad … Everything affects him too much and he would pay because his heart didn’t have a bad time. Because in addition, many times it is because of nonsense that is not even to blame.

PISCES: Pisces’ heart is too emotional. You can make a world of anything small, of any nonsense. Pisces does not want to be like that but everything affects him. A bad word can hurt days. And as much as you want to harden you can’t. The screams destabilize him a lot and he can drop a tear with some ugly detail you had. The heart of Pisces is incredibly sensitive and has to be surrounded by people who take good care of it and want it.

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