Zodiac Signs

What Is Your Lucky Day This Week According To Your Astrological Sign?

This week again, we decipher the celestial vault to tell you what the happiest day will be based on your astrological sign. Find out what your lucky day is the week of November 13 to 19, 2023.

Every week, we comb through the stars to give you the luckiest day based on your astrological sign. In the sky, everything is constantly moving and from one day to the next, astrological trends are never the same. Are you feeling dizzy but still want more details than reading your weekly horoscope? We explain to you how a transit of Mercury on Monday or an alliance between Neptune and the Moon could bring you luck. No need to have completed “astrology LV2”, we translate the language of the sky to give you the trend of the week and allow you, who knows, to organize yourself better. Or at least, to leave on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday morning and say to yourself: “Today is a good day, the stars say so!” »


Aries’ lucky day: Monday, November 13

The New Moon this Monday has something to rejoice the horned beasts of the zodiac. In Scorpio, the desire to renew oneself electrifies Aries. Not to mention that their lucky star, Mars, is also there to make Aries want to break everything and start again. With success.

Taurus’ lucky day: Thursday, November 16

The weekend is promising for Taurus since from Thursday morning, the Moon (abundance, creativity) arrives in Capricorn, a friendly Earth sign. Pluto also resides there, a wealth expert. Suffice it to say that the day as well as the two days that follow promises to be very good for Taurus’ affairs.

Gemini’s lucky day: Tuesday, November 14

When its flagship star, Mercury, has a meeting with the Moon, it is often to give Gemini some balm for the heart. This Tuesday gives him back the desire to have fun, to take things lightly, and to enjoy his loved ones. Bingo for Gemini.

Cancer’s Lucky Day: Monday, November 13

This Monday, November 13 is the day of change for Cancers, especially about their immediate environment, their cocoon. Vesta (home) in their sector merges with the atmosphere of this New Moon in Scorpio to give food for thought to Cancers who are doubling their inventiveness for themselves and their loved ones.

Leo’s lucky day: Tuesday, November 14

The rising Moon in Sagittarius restores vigor to Leo. This Tuesday, the Fire sign feels the flame rekindled, its desires awakened. We’ll hear him roar. Especially since the star of expression (Mercury) galvanizes the creative impulses of the cosmic feline. Genius ideas are on the horizon.

Virgo’s lucky day: Tuesday, November 14

Mercury, the guardian of the sign of Virgo, flirts this Tuesday with the Moon, in Sagittarius. The atmosphere is one of adventure and awakens the desire to explore in Virgo who dares to say yes to the unexpected and discovers herself spontaneously. Enough to open up the field of possibilities.

Libra’s lucky day: Sunday, November 19

You will have to wait for the day of the Sun for Libra to shine. This Sunday, the Moon in Aquarius and Venus in Libra are vying for glances, and it’s a very good sign for their affairs of the heart. A wind of novelty blows into their love life.

Scorpio’s lucky day: Monday, November 13

They are the stars of the day: the New Moon of this Monday, November 13 takes place in their sector. For once, the rest of the zodiac feels as torn as them, and that pleases Scorpios who are like fish in water. A page is turning for them and they can’t wait to start the next one.

Sagittarius’ lucky day: Tuesday, November 14

The stars awaken Sagittarius’ need for adventure this Tuesday, November 14. No trips planned? Never mind, with the help of his extraordinary joie de vivre, he decides to make this day an exploration. This Tuesday promises to be exciting for Sagittarius: he decided it when he got up.

Capricorn’s lucky day: Thursday, November 16

If he hesitates to take the plunge, Thursday, November 16 should motivate the zodiac Goats. For 24 hours, the Moon slowly approaches Pluto in the constellation Capricorn. On the program, we regain control of the situation and opportunities abound.

Aquarius’ lucky day: Sunday, November 19

Venus and the Moon come together to offer a Sunday as sensual as it is exhilarating for Aquarius. Whether single or as a couple, they renew the flame. As good Air signs, Aquarius dares to give lightness to a relationship so that the fire takes off or resumes.

Pisces’ lucky day: Monday, November 13

Those who are more the type to go with the flow without asking questions will take advantage of this New Moon in their favor to throw away their old habits. Today, Pisces dare to think outside the box and reinvent themselves with grace.

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