Zodiac Signs

What Kind Of Partner Do You Need For Happiness According To The Sign Of The Zodiac

Love simply must be in the life of each of us. It often happens that we meet a person, and experience an ocean of emotions for him, but the relationship does not work out in the end. What is the problem? Perhaps this person gave you love, but not the one you needed? The stars tell you what kind of partner you need to be happy.

Find out which partner you need to be happy with!


You like to be the first in everything, you are incredibly ambitious, energetic, and indomitable. Just approaching a person and getting to know them is not so difficult for you. You are self-confident and do not understand why waste time on embarrassment and medieval prejudices.

It’s hard for you to hear “no” because you work hard so that life always tells you “yes”. Sometimes your temperament goes beyond the limits and you become aggressive and assertive. This is especially true in relationships.

You need a partner who doesn’t see this as a weakness or dependence. He will understand that your behavior is because you simply care. You deserve big and pure love – it will be a fair proportion of your big heart.


Even though your sign in the Zodiac is depicted as a stubborn ram, by nature you are not at all such a person (although, of course, there are some nuances). You are a true woman (man). In a relationship, you take care of your partner and wrap him with affection and care, you are sensual, tender, and economic.

Sometimes, however, eclipses are found on you and you begin to turn on a stubborn, fastidious, mercantile nature. You can be capricious and ask for more. But this is only if it is not your person who is with you if you do not feel the bestowal.

Who do you need? The one who is not ashamed of his feelings, who idolizes you, admires your talents, but at the same time loves you for who you are.


You are sociable, versatile, and love to read books and discuss them without being afraid of long, clever phrases. Ignorance and stupidity make you allergic. And if someone might think that you need a simpleton – supposedly opposites attract – no!

Look for a match for yourself: smart, tasteful, inquisitive. Only with such a person can you be happy, people below your intellectual level will drain you on an energy level. Do not forget also that you are an amorous nature, love deeply and desperately.

You have frequent mood swings, sometimes you live like two people. Your partner must understand and accept this. You should not suppress your emotions, just to seem “normal”, the norm is not about you. And it’s great!


You behave the way you are treated. If you are loved, you are just the perfect person: loving, devoted, passionate, and cheerful. And how do you cook? But if you were not loved, offended, left – you will not leave a stone unturned, turn into a fury, and do not calm down until you make the offender regret what he did.

And yet behind this Kali image lies a tender, vulnerable soul. Of course, we learn from mistakes, but you, like no one else, should be attentive to the choice of a partner. Any breakup inflicts a deep wound on you that does not heal for a long time (some other Signs would get up and move on after this), but you need a lot of time to recover. Always choose in favor of those who love you and whose intentions towards you are transparent, do not be tempted by macho and other risky types.


Bold, strong, self-confident personality – these are your main characteristics. Usually, you don’t have problems with love. You are the Sign that best keeps the heart under control. Yes, you are very temperamental, but still, you will not allow yourself to be led by feelings.

You are a born leader, anyone who disagrees with this will eventually agree. You love compliments and encouragement. Perhaps someone will tell you that you need a partner who will not inflate your ego, and who will keep you in a tight grip. This is not your option. A loving, intelligent, compromising person is what you need. With it, your love of attention and glory will subside and you will be able to focus on your inner world.


You are organized and practical, in relationships you value simplicity and clarity, you do not need drama. Someone may regard this as coldness, but in reality, you simply do not see the point in a relationship in which there is no love. And where there is love, why the drama?

You need an appropriate partner. A person who does not like Mexican passions, who loves to create – family, comfort, trust. And you are not a fan of actively expressing your feelings in public (sometimes even in private). Your lover must be very sensitive to understand that such behavior is not a lack of love, but simply your nature.


The word that represents your Sign is “harmony”. All your life you’ve been searching for balance fiercely. You adore a cozy atmosphere, peace, tranquility, and comfort, but at the same time, you need vivid emotions and adventures.

Give preference to temperamental, passionate natures, who at the same time know when to calm down. Ideally, they should have an impeccable balance so that you have someone to learn from.


You are a real flint. Apathy, existential crises, and constant sadness are unknown to you. You always know what and why you are doing it. It is almost impossible to change your mind, to convince in a dispute. It’s not even that you are stubborn and afraid to show your weakness by losing, you’re just confident in your worldview and that’s it. Who can withstand such an unbridled tigress?

First, someone very passionate. Skс means a lot to you, a rosy-cheeked romantic can’t handle you. Secondly, someone is adequate. You are mystical, jealous, and assertive, if your partner has the same qualities, your relationship will explode from overstraining.


A tireless and independent adventurer like you, sometimes you don’t quite understand what a relationship is all about. You don’t seem to need a man’s reliable shoulder, you are not one of those who fall easily, you simply won’t allow yourself to be financially supported, and you don’t have a particular desire to get married to the joy of your grandmother.

Most importantly, it’s hard for you to figure out how to keep your individuality while being paired with someone. Let’s not forget about your craving for self-development, which is very difficult for other Signs to keep up with. You need … a psycho like you. Yes, it is a lover of travel, experimentation, and freedom. Your relationship will develop perfectly only if you let go of all fears, and trust and keep the butterfly of love in your open palm.


You are a lover of order, structure, and clarity. In a relationship, you need seriousness and stability. All this free love, freedom is not about you. You need a family, work, home, and household. And, of course, a reliable partner. You are a very earthy sign, standing firmly on your feet is a necessity for you.

Your ideal partner shares your values. He also does not like to complicate himself and strives to create a solid foundation. And he must also have a high social status, for most Capricorns this is important. Look for someone genuinely interested in you, and who will listen to your needs.


Independent, strong, kind Sign. Many consider you extraordinary because your way of thinking simply does not fit into the picture of the layman’s world. You are smart, honest, open, stubborn, do what you want, and are always looking for adventure.

In a relationship, you make the highest demands on your partner. It is useless to give you any recommendations because your heart will open to a candidate only if, in your opinion, he is perfect.


Pisces combine a piece of each Sign. You have a dual nature. You combine femininity and sexuality, sensuality and coldness, naivety, and impeccable intuition. Men adore you because your nature is a mystery to them.

You are very creative and have a strong need to be in touch with nature. You need a man who will pamper and cherish you. He should be financially secure, because, although you are not a particularly careerist, the material matters to you. In life, you must bathe in love and luxury.

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