Zodiac Signs

What to do on Dragobete, depending on your zodiac sign

Even if we just celebrated Valentine’s Day, that doesn’t mean we have to forget about Dragobete. Here’s what to do on the traditional Romanian day of love!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

If you’re single:

Go into town or attend a creative workshop. Since you are so charismatic, you must attract someone there. If you find someone who ticks all the boxes of an ideal partner, don’t hesitate to invite them to your place. To you in the bedroom!

If you are in a relationship:

Express your love to your partner. Either you will spoil him/her with expensive gifts, or you will prepare him/her a romantic candlelit dinner. In short, Dragobete is about grand gestures.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

If you’re single:

You’ll probably spend Valentine’s Day at home in your pajamas and watch your favorite shows or series on Netflix. Even if you have no one by your side, you can be extremely happy like this!

If you’re in a relationship:

Whatever you and your life partner do today, it’s sure to be memorable. Invite your loved one to a place they are not used to, and here we are talking about amusement parks, cycling or any such fun activity.

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

If you are single:

The best relationship is the one you have with yourself. You don’t need someone to complete you if you are all alone. At Dragobete, it’s all about pampering. Go for a massage, the salon or cook yourself a delicious meal!

If you are in a relationship:

You are lucky to be in a relationship where your life partner puts you on a pedestal. Your desire is a command to your lover, who will go to great lengths to make you feel amazing. You have to make the plan and the person next to you will know what to do next.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

If you’re single:

There’s nothing wrong with being single. You just haven’t found your soulmate yet. Don’t let Dragobetele make you feel anxious because you don’t have someone by your side. In time, you will meet someone who will love you madly.

If you are in a relationship:

You will be effectively attached to your life partner by Dragobete. You will want to follow him anywhere and anytime and spend every minute with him. Try to distance yourself a bit or you will choke him. Don’t turn this day into something exaggerated.

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

If you are single:

If there is someone who keeps insisting around you, why not give them a chance today? It might be weird at first, but then you might start to like that person. Don’t think too much, just go with the flow!

If you are in a relationship:

You may argue with your life partner today. Don’t add fuel to the fire by focusing only on his mistakes. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the day as it is! After all, it was love that brought you together, don’t forget!

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

If you’re alone:

​​Dance like nobody’s watching. Sing like no one can hear you. Laugh like nobody’s around. You are one step closer to finding out who you really are. Love is just an opportunity to invest more time and love in yourself.

If you are in a relationship:

You will be asked a very important question by Dragobete and the decision is in your hands. Let’s hope the answer is a big YES!

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

If you are single:

Dragobetele is the perfect opportunity to celebrate with your friends. Dress up and dress up and be ready for some Instagram shots too. Your future partner needs to see you exactly like that!

If you’re in a relationship:

Spending Valentine’s Day with your loved one is wonderful, but spending it with his and your family will make it even more special.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

If you are single:

It is not at all difficult to find someone, your flirting skills are highly developed. Just don’t play with someone’s heart if you’re not ready for a relationship.

If you are in a relationship:

Between you and your loved one there is passion, there are fireworks, there is love. So, you are sure to have a hot night where you will experience new things.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

If you’re single:

If you’ve recently broken up with someone, it’s best to take the time to heal before getting involved in a new relationship. Maybe a run to the sea, a walk on the beach or reading a book in a cafe will help you in this whole process.

If you’re in a relationship:

Even if your partner isn’t into romantic things, make small gestures for them. Write him a love letter, gift him something quirky, send him a cute voicemail or even record a video of you singing his/her favorite song. He will appreciate you for it.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

If you are single:

Don’t give your heart to anyone! You tend to get involved very quickly in relationships, which is why you have to be very careful when choosing the right person. You need to go on at least 4-5 dates to figure out if that person is worthy of your time and love.

If you are in a relationship:

If you have doubts about your relationship, you should not bring this topic up with Dragobete. It’s a day dedicated to love and that’s all you should think about.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

If you’re single:

Dragobetele isn’t just for couples. It should be celebrated by everyone, among friends, family and even pets. If someone asks if you’re spending the day alone, tell them that friends and family are part of your schedule.

If you are in a relationship:

You will feel closer to your life partner by Dragobete. The best idea to spend this day is to focus less on showing the whole internet how happy you two are and just focus on loving your partner in private.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

If you’re single:

Avoid contacting exes today. That chapter is closed. You should focus on a new love. Meet new people, make new connections. This is how you will find the love of your life.

If you’re in a relationship:

Love is in the air and with it romance. You might be tempted to take the relationship to a new level by inviting your partner to meet your family, for example. The advice of the stars is to let your heart dictate your path.

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